Say, you are alone and don’t play with your phone or read book. I come and offer to play Uno Cards with me. How does that sound? I’m female amd 22.

  1. Sometimes it depends by HOW you offer it but, of course, it also depends by the person you’re asking to. I’m personally amused by that and, when it happens, I usually accept.

  2. Depends on the context of the situation. If I’m just minding my business at a park bench and table, sure. If I’m working or at school, then nah. Also, if you’re a complete stranger, it’d be kinda weird.

  3. Uhm. Sure I’ll play if I’m not busy trying to be somewhere or do something. I’m currently by myself at the beach so if you’d approach to play Uno, I’d play.

  4. That’s a really weird thing to do and I’m totally up for a game of Uno with strangers

  5. My reaction would be receptive…I love uno it’s my favorite card game so I’d be down

  6. Honestly, it depends on my mood. If I’m in a “I love life mood” and because you are my same age and gender I totally would.

    If I feel like “I hate the world”, no I would not play uno with you and that makes me sad

  7. My first reaction since I’m shy would prolly be me looking a look like ‘What? Me?’ Shocked, ya know? But I would say yes!

  8. Do i have the time and you are willing to teach? I’d acceps a round of uno.

  9. “Sorry miss, I don’t know how to play. Have a good day”

    I’ll take a day off from college later that day, go home and curse myself for saying that.

  10. Gonna say “unless I am busy, sure” with a side of “gaming is for everyone”. Share the gaming love.

  11. life’s short, might as well talk to all the strangers you can — never know what’s gonna come out of it!

  12. Since you’re a female, you’ll have a much easier time finding someone willing to do so.

  13. This would probably be my preferred method to meet strangers lol. I’d probably want to be fast friends with someone that tried this.

  14. If you came at it with extreme confidence, I’d probably feel waaay too awkward to turn you down, and then afterwards I’d realize that I actually had a really fun time.

  15. Absolutely not.

    No harm in asking but prepare yourself for a “fuck no” here and there.

  16. I would instantly assume it’s a scam of some kind and say no thanks, which makes me really sad.
    It sucks that horrible people ruin simple, fun things for everyone.

  17. I’d feel weird about a complete stranger doing it but if they seemed not dangerous, lucid, and were bathed, I might be up for it.

  18. I’m 22f and my sister 17 did this at school lol shes in a new school with little friends and some group came up to her so she offered to play uno but with only half a deck lol they had a great time and I would happily play with you

  19. So you’re a complete stranger and it’s just at some place in public while sitting down like a park, public transport, uni campus etc. ?

    Here’s what my thoughts would be:

    – well that’s unexpected and weird
    – but it’s also kinda cute actually
    – (If I don’t have anything important to do rn) why not? I’m in
    – is she hitting on me?
    – is this some trick to get me to sign up, donate for or buy something?

    And then depending on my anxiety level and confidence and mood etc at that moment I’d either accept or accidentally turn you down out of reflex or out of an perceived inability on my part to come overat least somewhat charismatic, normal, friendly etc. at that moment

    I’m M25 btw.

  20. I’d play and you could interrupt my music if you see me out and about. But I’m easygoingish and very friendly. Also love uno

  21. I’m up for it! Unless you want me to come back to your room… over coffee or a slice of pizza is cool though.

  22. The game is called uno, right? I would think its odd if you ask to play Uno cards.

  23. Aww this brings back good memories. I would go to the y everyday during the summer. There was a worker there who stayed near the ‘kids’ area (wasn’t in childcare) who would play uno with me. He was so nice to do that, it really helped pass time.

    I would love if someone offered to play uno with me. Not another card game tho, bc I only know go fish and slap jack lol. Id say you should go for it! If that’s what you wanna do. Just understand you might not find someone to play with that day. Might have to ask many different people, but when someone says yes, it’ll be a fun experience (: I think so anyways

  24. If I have nothing 2 do nd feel like playing I would say yea. It’s not weird tho. People saying it’s weird are weird lol you’re interacting nd trying 2 socialize with other people. There’s not enough of that now nd days thanks 2 phones nd tablets. So yea I think that’s a cool thing 2 do.

  25. I would get excited, accept, and while playing I’d share information on my family’s uno card collection, our house rules, and information on the cards.

    We counted just before thanksgiving of 2022, and we found out we have 25 different styles, with a total of 3,942 cards, and we weighed the cards, but I can’t remember how many pounds it wa. For Christmas everyone in the family got a new pack of unique uno packs, so now we’re almost to 5000. we have to get a bigger box.

    We also have giant uno cards (they’re like the size of a piece of paper) and mini ones (less than a quarter of the size of regular cards). We’ve taken the mini ones out to restaurants to play while waiting for food, and a few other patrons and waiters/waitresses have jokingly asked to join.

  26. I met a girl about your age online back in 2012 who asked me to come over to her place and watch T.V. and play Uno. She bet me that if I lost, I would have to write her a song (I play guitar and sing), and if I won, I got to pick what we watched on T.V. — She won.

    I wrote the song for her 5 years later, and played it for her at Butchart Gardens in Victoria, when I asked her to marry me.

    Now she’s getting ready for bed while I do stuff on Reddit. So yeah. Uno is cool.

  27. Bro as a 22 male who very limited social contact despite going out in public everyday, that would literally be a dream come true. Now whether it’s a good idea idk depends on what ur motivations are and how interact with the person.

  28. If i found you attractive, I’ll ask you to teach me to play. Otherwise, I’ll say I don’t know how to play and politely decline.

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