Hello! This past week has been a lot for me so let me start at the beginning. I met this girl through mutuals and I saw her twice at a college library where I usually go to study. When I first met her, I thought she was p cool but nothing further.

The third time I saw her was at the college library. We both had our AP calculus test the next day and we’re studying. She came with her friends and I came with mine.

When I went over to her a couple times, she was always talking with her friends and not actually studying so I tried explaining this was a bad habit of socializing at the wrong time and she needs to focus on her studies. Later, she came over to me and I helped her with calculus.

The next day I hear from a mutual friend that she thought I was very genuine so I guess she really appreciated that I was trying to look out for her well-being by telling her to focus up on her studies. I guess people haven’t really told her that before?

She also started texting me first about how she did on her exams and other stuff like telling me to come to the college library when I didn’t for one day.

Anyways, couple of days later I’m back at the library to study for another AP and I see her with her friends. She is there with her friends and comes says hi while I am there myself studying. Later, she actually ditches her friends and brings her stuff over to me and studies with me.

She then asked when I was going to leave and then to my surprise, she asks if I wanted to go with her to get food. I’m so down for that and was shocked anyone would ever ask me to go somewhere with them (I don’t pull at all). We go to a restaurant, get a table, and order food.

We just kept talking and getting to know each other and I eventually thought she was p cool and really enjoyed my time with her. While we were eating, she specifically said “something I really like about you is that you are very selfless and a genuine person”. That stuck with me and I was like, maybe she likes me more as a friend?

I drove her back to her home and we said goodbye and I later texted her how much I enjoyed my time with her.

Next day rolls around and she comes once again to the college library and says hi to me then goes to study with her friend. I later texted her asking what time she was leaving as she did with me in hopes of maybe spending more time with her after to see how I feel.

She says she doesn’t know and says “why tho?”. This kind of crushed me because in my head, if she had interest in me she would have known why I was asking her in hopes of going out again. I came up with a bs excuse and left.

Now honestly I am very confused and I am so bad at reading people so I would really appreciate it if I can get insight on my situation and what to do because I feel so lost and confused right now. I’m so confused what her intentions are like if she just wants to be my friend and wanted to get closer by asking me out or if she likes me. Thanks!

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