TLDR: My friend told me my sex offender was “her type” and I don’t know if I need to tell her it’s been bugging me or not.

My friend and I went clubbing and the person who had sexually assaulted me in my youth showed up, but they quickly left. Some of their friends stayed and it felt like they were watching me and they were on their phones a lot more than the general population of the club (it’s a very small gay club so from any position in this club you can see just about everyone). Since they had left after less than a half hour, I decided not to tell my friend in the moment that they had been there because they were gone, we were drunk, and it was way too loud to explain what was going on.

The next day, I told her about what happened and she said she hadn’t noticed and she didn’t know what they all looked like. I went on social media and found some of the people who were present on social media. She complimented and commented on how they were all kinda cute, one of them she said she recognized from dating apps and now she knew not to see him if he’s friends with a creep. Then when I showed her the person who assaulted me, she said that they were “her type”. I was mostly just uncomfortable and changed the topic to something else.

It’s been about a week and it’s still bothering me. It feels like such a minor comment that she probably didn’t mean anything by, is it worth even bringing up at this point? And how would I even bring it up? It’s such an uncomfortable topic.

  1. Does your friend know that the person you showed to her was your past sexual assaulter?

  2. And there was nothing from her? Like “sorry to hear, what a shithead”, just “he’s my type”?

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