Do you even think it exists? If so, what are it’s characteristics?

  1. Sure. A guy can be masculine without making others feel uncomfortable or putting them down. In fact, I think it’s easier to accomplish than the toxic version, people just don’t want to.

  2. I think masculinity as it is is a positive thing. A truely masculine man is not “toxicly” masculine. A truely masculine man is a good, strong man who is capable and chooses to use his capabilities for the better.

  3. None of masculinity is positive in society nowadays, every version of masculinity can be made into a negative.

  4. Encouraging others to grow through example, taking charge when necessary, or being an anchor when times get tough.

  5. Empowering and promoting the side that society deems to be lacking in men. Toxic masculinity seems to have saturated our society but even then, a balance of two should be it.

  6. Being physically strong, capable, having good morality, hardworking – And standing up for, helping or protecting those who can’t protect them self. This could be a father protecting his wife and kid, or law enforcement preventing or making an arrest for a crime , or a man standing up for someone else who is being bullied or harassed on the street. Maybe something even simple as being able to lift something heavy for an older person or woman who is struggling

  7. Standing up for people that cannot stand up for themselves. My dad used to tell me that that was the only thing that a man should always do.

  8. They will conquer the world someday and even calling yourself a man would be considered a bad thing… relax people its a joke.. or is it? *evil laugh*..

  9. Dudes are dudes. We do what we do. Eat, drink, celebrate. Watch movies, sports, rock out, dance, dress up, dress down. Probably steal your girl, do work around the house, hustle some cash up, be man proud.

  10. All masculinity is positive although sometimes it’s expressed in unhealthy ways

  11. It does exist, its when men are motivated to do things that benefit themselves or others by traditional/cultural ideas of manliness. Like protecting someone out of a sense of chivalry or show of strength.

  12. I suppose positive masculinity would be the opposite of toxic masculinity. A positive zeitgeist around masculinity shouldn’t have the strict, explicit ideas for what “real” masculinity is or what it means to be a “real man.” In particular it shouldn’t have strict expectations for men to be required to follow at the cost of their mental health

  13. I think masculinity just “is”. There is no such thing as toxic or positive, they are just a set of traits that men tend to carry or that we associate with men in general.

  14. All masculinity is positive.

    The phrase ‘toxic masculinity’ is inherently sexist and should not be used.

  15. Being masculine if you’re a man. There’s no such thing as toxic masculinity.

  16. Masculinity in general.

    “Toxic masculinity” is a stupid fucking buzzword.

  17. They’re trying to plant word “toxic” in society to further divide us by using it together with masculinity. Anyone can be toxic men or women and anyone can be masculine or feminine without being toxic. They used racism to divide races and now people pushing the agenda are trying to use toxic masculinity and feminism to divide genders. It’s easy to control the people that always fight between each other

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