If you had to pick just 10 American allies to fight alongside the US in the next global conflict, which countries would you choose?

  1. I trained with quite a few of our allies during my time in the military, and my first pick without a doubt would be the British. Their troops are absolutely top notch, they’re a nuclear power with significant naval capacity that I’d argue is second to ours, and they’re as close of an ally as we’ve got.

    For the rest of Europe, I’d choose France, Germany, Poland, and Finland. I found their forces to all be exceptionally high quality, with the Poles and Finns particularly motivated. Poland’s land forces will also soon constitute the largest in Europe.

    For the rest of the world, I’d choose Japan, South Korea, Israel, Australia, and Canada. Military size and comparative national power aside, Australians would be my pick of the litter for a straight up fight any day of the week.

    I omitted India and Turkey, because I’m not entirely certain if we’re able to call them “allies” at the moment, but I’m sure others might disagree.

  2. All the countries with the strongest armies lol
    Just go down the line

  3. UK, France, Italy, Germany, Canada, Spain, Poland, Greece, South Korea, Japan

  4. Canada and no one else.

    Really no one at all, but I’m sure Canada would like to join in on the fun.

  5. Seems like a low bar to win a world conflict. America is like half the world’s combined military might, and then you’re going to add 10 more western allies on top of that?

    Who could even stand a chance against us and 5 western allies in a total war scenario?

  6. The uk, Australia, France, Canada, Japan, Poland, South Korea, Israel, Finland and Germany

  7. The UK, Canada, Australia, France, Greece, Poland, South Korea, Japan, and Germany

  8. Definately Britain, France and Italy, since they’re currently the only other members of NATO with fully independent expeditionary ability.

    You want Germany, South Korea and Japan’s industrial and financial capacity on your side.

    You can guarantee that Australia, Canada and New Zealand will show up anyway, whether or not you ask them.

    I guess that leaves me only one more choice, so I would take Poland, since their land forces are becoming the most formidable in Europe.

    If I could sneak one more in, it would be Turkey, because of their strategic location, their large military and their arms industry, although they’re less reliable politically.

  9. Britain, Australia/ NewZealand, Ukraine, Germany, Japan, Italy, Canada, Poland, Finland

  10. Well since it’s hypothetical and there’s no definition of “allies” given, here’s my list:

    China,  India, Indonesia , Pakistan , Nigeria , Brazil , Bangladesh , Russia , Mexico , United Kingdom

    My list includes about 60% of the global population and nearly all the nuclear weapons. As a result, global conflict is unnecessary and can be managed, peacefully, through negotiation.


    ETA: on the off chance there is physical war, it would be very short-lived

    ETA2: /s

  11. In no particular order:

    – UK

    – France

    – Germany

    – Japan

    – Australia

    – Isreal

    – New Zealand

    – Canada

    – South Korea

    – Egypt

  12. Japan, Korea, Germany, France, UK, Australia, Canada, Philippines, Norway and Israel

  13. UK, Australia, Japan, France, Canada, New Zealand, Germany, Italy, Poland, Finland, and Taiwan.

  14. If there is another world war it’s going to be nuclear so the the allies I would want are other nuclear powers like the UK, France, Israel, and India (probably would side with the US since they don’t like China very much). Fact of the matter is most of the other countries people mention are just freeloaders who use the threat of the US nuclear umbrella as their defense

  15. Well, UK, Australia, and Japan are probably worth having.

    Canada because we work well with them, and snipers.

    I might add the Poles to that list, they seem to take this seriously.

    I cannot think of another country that would be worth the complexity required to incorporate them. Some are competent, but too small or too little military. Among the small ones, Finland stands out.

    So, 5 allies.

  16. Japan, Pakistan, Australia, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Turkey (if they still count), South Korea, Germany, France and a player to be named later.

    Japan, Pakistan, Australia, South Korea and Turkey for basing options. Saudi Arabia for fuel production. Germany for manufacturing prowess. UK for logistics and additional sea/air power. France, for their air power, diplomacy, and experience in low-grade conflict.

    And if you haven’t picked up on it, the opponent will almost surely be China. We’d need the UK/Germany/Turkey routes to prevent China from going overland to cut off our fuel supplies; we’d want to stop them at Pakistan to prevent the fight from going nuclear immediately. We’d need to sustain sea operations in the far eastern Pacific for an indefinite time frame, which means we need Australia, Japan and South Korea. And we’d need France for negotiations at the end of the war.

  17. *The UK, obviously
    *Canada, obviously
    *Japan, obviously
    *France, so they don’t pull a “sixth ranger, I work alone” bs
    *Germany, to hold back Poland
    *Poland, to go crazy Slav style on Eastern Europe
    *South Korea, though that might be hard to have them get along with Japan
    *Australia/Philippines (technically interchangeable but not really, just depends on what we need)
    *Saudi Arabia, since we need that oil in a global conflict
    *Turkey, since we need control of the Dardanelles

    I would like to make India, Israel, and Finland as back-benchers, but I’m not sure if they would go for that

  18. Iron Man, Captain America, the Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Doctor Strange, Thor, Spider-Man, and T’Challa 😎

  19. The obvious two: UK and France. Great relations with both and strong reliable militaries.

    The next obvious two: Japan and South Korea

    Dependable allies that punch above their weight: Poland, Australia, Israel, Netherlands

    Germany: I have some doubts about Germany’s overall dependability, but we do have good relations and they are a valuable ally.

    India: They’re a wild card. Large, well funded military but has never been really tested. Poor country with very different views. They could be a big boost or could be highly undependable. Definitely don’t want them against you and they would be strategically valuable in a war against China.

  20. Luxembourg. Might sound off but…. It’s home to two of the largest satellite operators in the globe (which are soon to merge). Tyvek… it’s only made in two places in the world, one of which is Luxembourg. WSA Sarl: they store “ war” material for several countries including 85% of the USAF European war reserve material. Money. Everyone’s money runs through Luxembourg. Even Timur Ivanov, Russia’s deputy minister of defense, wife’s car has a Luxembourgish license plate on it.

  21. The Asgard (from SG-1), the original Fellowship of the Ring, Hogwarts, Imaginationland, Planet Arrakis, Planet Cybertron, Planet Gazorpazorp, Planet Krypton, Planet Viltrum, and the weird glowy zoomy floaty things living in The Abyss.

  22. UK, Japan, Korea, Poland, Australia, Canada, Israel, Germany, Ukraine, Taiwan

    Countries I would view as being completely cooperative or having the most technological/strategic value to us.

  23. Korea (best armed forces), Japan (best dual use technology), Australia (logistical needs), UK, France (logistical needs). Then the rest would be determined based off of conflict location. The Phillipines is more important in Asia than Germany.

  24. UK, Canada, Australia, Poland, Japan, Philippines, South Korea, Israel, Colombia and Thailand

  25. 1. UK
    2. Australia
    3. New Zealand
    4. Canada
    5. France
    6. Brazil
    7. Germany
    8. Poland
    9. Japan
    10. Vietnam

    The obvious oddballs in my list are Brazil and Vietnam.

    I chose Brazil mostly because they have numbers who are hardened from years of fighting against organized crime. They’re badasses and there’s a lot of them. They also proved themselves in Italy during WW2.

    I chose Vietnam, because they’re fucking Vietnam. The Chinese lost to them, the Japanese lost to them, the French lost to them, we lost to them, Cambodia got annihilated by them, then China lost to them again. I think if we had to choose an ally to keep a South East Asian Theatre under control, they’re the ones to go with.

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