What is it about yourself that you feel really sets you above others around you. Examples might be being able to fix things, bake/cook a good meal, singing, etc.

  1. I have a guitar talent that few people know about, because I mainly only like to play to myself in solitude. I taught myself to play when I was 14, but in the last 15 years I’ve only played in front a a handful of people that I knew. It’s something I do for fun and relaxation when I’m at home mostly.

  2. I have a knack for figuring out new concepts without putting much work into it. A lot of things people seem to need to study relentlessly for, I can usually do fairly instinctually. I go in for certification tests without prep and always come through the other side successfully.

  3. I have perfect pitch. Meaning: I can hear individual notes. Great for tuning instruments. Unfortunately I have about a 1.5 octave singing range in a low register. I can sing the hell out of some Johnny Cash. It’s a blessing and a curse. Most of these so-called singers on singing shows like American idol are quite pitchy. I’ll tell you one singer that still just blows my mind. Witney Houston. That woman was a freak of nature. One in a generation. I was a metal head hard rocker that went to one of her concerts…..left me in tears.

  4. I’m that guy who in a situation where a volunteer is required will volunteer himself because I know for a fact no one wants to but also that it’s gonna drag and become difficult if no one does. E.g, in uni classes where they ask questions and the room falls silent, I’ll throw an answer out there just to open the floor. Regardless of if it makes me look bad I don’t care.

  5. I am very good at presenting, especially given 0 practice, I can just go and wing almost anything , wether I know much about the subject or not. This is amplified if it’s in a competition and I know what I need to do to beat everyone else

  6. I have a knack for explaining complicated things at whatever level of accessibility is needed. I can communicate nuanced, technical issues clearly and accurate to specialists and professionals, and distill that same info down to something digestible for less specialized, less experienced, or younger minds.

  7. Im very good determining cause and effect, even in systems I know nothing about. Excellent at diagnostics. I believe I am a keen observer. I also have an eidetic memory.

  8. Singing, writing, programming. Just starting out now with music, but planning to tie it all together eventually with a multimedia “franchise”

  9. I’ve always had a knack for one-on-one connection with people, and making them feel seen/heard and given space to talk about the things they’re thinking or doing or processing without judgment. People seem to come to me not necessarily for advice, but for someone who will offer compassion and questions they might want to ask themselves but not know how.

  10. I guess i am pretty good at fixing things but thats what happens when you work as a handyman for 6 years. I also like to think im patient with people i care about, but idk if that really makes me special lol

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