We live together in my house. I think the advice you probably will say is for us to stop living together to avoid the situation. No matter what I say he’ll just wants to separate. He’s been telling me he wants a break up. He doesn’t want me beside him. He says I should find someone else. Last night he said he’ll fuck someone else. He’s shoving it to my face that he wants to leave.

He wants me to be always quick to hold his dick and gets mad when I don’t. When I ask him to cuddle he usually gets mad. Puts my hand away. I would always beg for him to stroke my hair and he’ll be mad if I repeat myself.

It’s repetitive. He’d usually blame me and I would often feel bad thinking I should just sucked his dick.

  1. It sounds like you two aren’t a good fit. He’s being a dick. But I also know what constant rejection feels like. Like a 100% rejection rate. Not sure that applies here though.

  2. I don’t believe it’s ever worth chasing after someone who’s itching to leave you.

    If he wants to leave, let him. Him holding that over your head is the deeper, more toxic issue than him getting angry when you refuse sex.

    Let him leave and lock the door behind him. You’ll be much better off and you deserve so much better

  3. Yeah he’s being a dick but why you always rejecting him? Tell us that part of the story cuz I’m confused tbh.

  4. Seems like you aren’t sexually compatible. My wife and I enjoy making love every day. Neither of us would be happy with much less. Go find someone who matches your desire for intimacy.

  5. Get this creep out of your house. There are plenty of fellas willing to cuddle

  6. A fucker like this ruined my life, my mother’s and another child’s. Fuck that pig out of your house asap

  7. He already told you he does not want to be with you, wants to break up and wants to fuck other girls.
    he is only staying for the benefits you give him.
    why you don’t leave?
    this is such a black and white clear situation.
    he does not respect or love you.
    why you are degrading yourself by letting him talk to you like that and staying with him?
    breakups are hard but it will get better with time.
    leave him and tell him to move out

  8. OP, respectfully, what are you doing? Get out of this. If someone is threatening or teasing a breakup or hanging it over your head out in the open, walk away. It’s not a challenge, it’s a clear message that this person neither respects nor values you. Get this person out of your house and your life.

  9. HAHAHAH, what the fuck are you doing in that relationship. Leave him and tell his mother.

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