I’ve been talking to a girl who asked me for my snap in the dining hall for about 2 weeks, and i really like her. We’ve gone on one date that was kinda awkward about a week ago. Two days ago I asked if she wanted to go bowling on Wednesday and she said she’d lmk, but she never did. So today I asked her if she wanted to go get food on Thursday, or Friday. But she said she works Thursday and has a soccer commitment on Friday (she also D1 soccer) she also put :(( at the end of her text which I’m not sure means anything or if I’m just grasping at straws. I feel like if she did want to hang out again she would offer different times where she is free instead of just saying she’s not free, but it sounds fun and she wants to go but can’t because her coach makes the schedule last minute. Should I just give up at this point, or should i give her the benefit of the doubt. (BTW she’s started conversations with me in the past week so I feel like she’s still interested but idk)

TLDR: Girl asked for my snap and we went om one date now she seems to be busy with soccer whenever we I try to plan a second date. But her text show she might still be interested.

  1. I wouldn’t necessarily give up but I would stop putting in as much effort. If she wants to spend time with you she can make the plans.

  2. What you do is this. maybe not exact, filter it to how it works for you. ask if she wants to hang out at (whatever palce who tf cares), if she says “I’ll let you know” you. do. not. text. until. she. does. if she doesnt say “lets do another time” or “hey last minute but-(i can do this rn or in 5-30 minutes) type of thing”

    i cant predict every possible event. but just try once more, if you dont get the response you needed, dont even text her, just move on

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