I have gone to the doctor about this several times and he tells me there is nothing I can do, I was just born with a shallower vaginal canal than average. My vaginal canal is 3 inches, including give. So to fill my vagina in completion you would need a 4.5 inch penis, which is smaller than average where I live. My boyfriend has a penis twice as long as the average-sized penis. He’s convinced we can make it fit, despite what I have told him. We had sex for the first time today and got his first 3 inches in, and was confused why the rest of him wasn’t going inside. He kept thrusting and got a bit more in but I was in tears and my stomach was distended. He said we would try again later and went to the bathroom. When he came back he asked to try again and I said no, and he left my apartment.

Is this normal to feel? Are lots of girls anxious about this? Does anyone have any advice about how to go about this?

  1. The fact you where crying and obviously not enjoying it and he didn’t immediately stop is concerning and that he then left instead of talking it out and comforting you after is way out of line

    There are guys that have dicks too big to fit in anyone and they manage just fine.
    If he has it in his head he will make it fit I wouldn’t try again with this guy untill he understands that won’t happen.
    Maybe even take him with you to a doctor appointment and get them to explain

  2. Orgasm before penetration can help relax things. Choose an angle where he’s not slamming into your cervix. He also doesn’t have to go in all the way.

  3. You might want to contact Peter Dinklage just to be on the safe side.

  4. Did you tell him that 4.5″ was the maximum? Why did he think things would change. I’m sorry you’re experiencing this, and he’s not being more understanding. You could also try “ohnut”

  5. He (accidentally) hurt you, from what you told he wasn’t too worried about having hurt you, and when he couldn’t have sex with you he just left.

    To me that sounds like a bad one night stand experience, not like someone who is supposed to love you.

    Find someone who cares about how you feel, and maybe you’ll get lucky and they’ll also fit you better. You can either do that now or go through years of pain and self-loathing, your choice really.

  6. Vaginas differ in depth and width just as much as penises do, so once you reach your maximum when fully aroused it won’t expand any more.

    There are donut pillows called ohhnuts that you can buy if your partner is too long, that he can put over his erection to limit the depth of penetration but also give him friction along his shaft. I have found this easier than to trust long partners not to poke my cervix in the heat of the moment. 🙂

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