I’m east coast and I generally say “Eastern Seaboard” meaning any state touching the Atlantic Ocean (or so close it might as well be). Noticed a phrase in a tv show saying “West Virginia is the ‘Ohio’ of the Atlantic States.” What do y’all call us?

  1. East Coast. You don’t see your other references often outside of older media.

  2. East Coast refers to everything that’s touching the Atlantic. I’ve only heard the term eastern seaboard used only by military folks in movies. I haven’t heard the term Atlantic states, but I have heard the Mid-Atlantic states. Those are just the northeastern states.

  3. East Coast for generally Atlantic coast states. Northeast for states north of DC.

  4. East coast. Unless I’m trying to actually refer to New England, Mid-Atlantic or the South specifically

  5. The East Coast. If I’m being specific, I’ll say North East or the South. Mid Atlantic if pushed, but typically, I just refer to that region as East Coast. I’m not sure why.

  6. East Coast: Every state that touches the Atlantic ocean and Pennsylvania (for some reason) but not Florida (for some reason)

    Eastern Seaboard: New England and the Mid Atlantic states minus Virginia south of the DC suburbs (that’s southern)

    Atlantic states: never heard this term before.

    Also West Virginia is just a weird state that doesn’t fit into any category: It’s not a Mid Atlantic state, it’s not a Southern state, and it’s not a Midwestern state. Its just its own thing but if I had to pick a group to put it in it would be the south because the people who live there are very similar to the people who live in Western Virginia, Western North Carolina, Eastern Kentucky, and East Tennessee which are all southern

  7. I say East coast.

    You really only hear “the eastern seaboard” in military movies and shows.

    I’ve never even heard of “the Atlantic states”

  8. From what I’ve heard, “the East Coast” implies the region and the states, whereas “the Eastern Seaboard” refers specifically to the actual coast.

  9. ‘East Coast’ is everything from the Beltway up to Lobsterland.

    ‘Coastal South’ is everything below that, including the Lynyrd Skynyrd part of Florida. The rest of Florida is its own thing, I guess.

    West Virginia is Appalachia. Calling it ‘East Coast’ would be like calling Idaho ‘West Coast.’ I have seen the state of Idaho piggyback onto ‘Pacific’ this that or the other (Pacific Assocation of Such-and-Such, etc.) or more commonly ‘Northwestern’, but it just doesn’t seem right.

  10. East Coast in general, sometimes hear it as ‘the Least Coast’ in combo with ‘the Best Coast’

  11. Just “the east coast.” Anything east of Texas is also “the east” or “back east.”

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