We were having a great day and then out of the blue he was like oh by the way I got invited to a house party this Saturday you can come too and I was like oh nice have fun but my family is here for my college graduation so I won’t be able to. And then he was like by the way the girl that you saw previously at the concert gig I performed at that rushed out of the bar when she saw we were together that has a crush on me will be there as well. And I’m like oh jeez well if she flirts with you then just shut her down and say we’re dating. And then he just kept talking about it essentially now making me worried about the fact that she’s gonna be there when I previously wasn’t worried about it saying that they have a past outside of just being friends like a sexual past and that she was also their roommate for a bit previously. Like I didn’t need to know all of that information why would he try to stress me out about this?

  1. Oh that’s a power play. He’s letting you know he has options and you should behave.

  2. The two answers before mine are really all you need to know to make a decision.

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