_______!Never run out of things to say!________

Since I know some of you didn’t read my first post I’ll give you a quick tip on how to start a conversation.

-[Simple Statements]_________________________________
Some people believe simple statements will bore the person your talking to. However it actually lets them know that you’re interested in having a conversation with them. In order to do this just associate a question/statement with the things around you.This also gives the other person something to work with.

-(Ex: “I love the paint on that car. How did they make it so rustic? What’s the color of yours?”)

Alright so you know a bit about this person and need tips? Well..here goes nothing.

1- Association_______________________________________
When talking to someone always pay attention to the things around you and try to stay out of your head. This is the key to Association. When there’s a break in the conversation feel free to point out something you were wondering about.______________

-(Ex: -Conversation dies down-, “Is it the red paint that makes me think it’s rustic?”)

2- The Timeline meathod____________________________
This not only helps you to come up with something to say but also keeps your conversation relevant despite switching topics. To do this you will need to see the conversation as a timeline that goes from present, near future, and far future.

-(Ex: _________________________________________________
‘”I love this car” [present]

‘”I’m getting a car soon. I want it to look exactly like this one” [near future]

‘” Maybe I’ll be able to open my own car dealership” [far future])

3- IFR meathod______________________________________
This one isn’t anything new but is very simple and very effective. It stands for I-nquire, F-ollow up, R-elate. You ask a question about something you genuinely interested in, Follow up by inquiring again but more specifically. A follow up shows you care what they have to say. Relate it back to yourself. Being relatable makes you grow strong connections fast.

4- Conversational Threading_________________________
This skill is used when you can’t relate to a topic brought up. If someone says “I loved my vacation to Africa but it was very hot so we stayed in our hotel for most of the time.” With this single answer you can come up with many ways to relate. I will give you one example “It was raining the whole time over here so I couldn’t go out either.” This is a way to relate without having actually gone through the experience.

5- _How_ you say it matters._________________________
If you just say “what did you think of spain” in a voice that makes it seem that your only asking to be nice they won’t feel comfortable sharing their experiences with you. However, if you say “What did you think of _Spain_?” In a genuinely interested voice and tone they will gladly talk your head off.

6- Changing topics___________________________________
In order to change topics or make a Conversational leap you must connect what new subject you want to talk about loosely with the one you’re on now. An example being. “Have you been a vehicle other than a car, like a plane?”

7- _____________!Ending a conversation!_______________

(When you should end it)____________________________
-You are bored
-They look bored
-Something or someone interrupts
-You run out of things to say
-You/they are repeating themselves
-You need a break.

(Leave on a high note)_______________________________
Leaving a positive impact at the exit of a conversation will leave a lasting impression. You can do this by doing one of the following
1. Making plans
2. Using “one more thing”
3. Rephrase the last thing they said

Not sure if I should make a part 3 to this or do something else. So… upvote if you want more I guess. _[Ideas are also appreciated!]_

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