I’ll be snapping someone normally and then suddenly they will save a snap in chat and not say anything about it. It’s just a normal picture of myself, is this with good or bad intent?

  1. Alot of the time it happens accidentally. I’m just scrolling the
    n my hand spasms, now i look like a creep.

  2. Replay value…..same reason why you’d save anything else. It’s no different from downloading a pdf/mp3/mp4/zip.

  3. “*It’s just a normal picture of myself, is this with good or bad intent?”*

    I guess you could always ask them.

  4. Usually save them if they contain nudity. Used to have a girl several years ago that would occasionally send me nudes on Snapchat. I don’t use Snapchat anymore

  5. When I used snap regularly I just saved everything cause I’m forgetful as hell. But if it’s specifically a picture, they probably really liked the picture. Just ask I’m sure they’ll tell you.

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