I’ve been listening to myself talk to others, and I am just too nervous to engage in a conversation much further. I am a bit too afraid to express my own opinions. Then I end up sounding not convincing, boring, and not interested when I really am interested.

When I get asked a question, I stutter sometimes and don’t know what other questions to ask them. I need some advice on how to essentially engage better in a conversation and to sound more confident and interested in them.

1 comment
  1. I’m also in the same situation so I can’t offer much advise. Recently I heard that a good way of sounding more certain is not having your hands just fallen parallel to your body nor cross them in your chest(I don’t know if that’s the correct term, I hope you understand what I mean) . Instead you should have them in a way that the fingers from one hand touch the fingers from the other because that looks confident(a lot of politicians do that) .
    Also avoid using words like maybe, I think, probably often. If you do that a lot you sound insecure.
    Another one that I heard about me is that I tend to apologize immediately every time I do a mistake. That also looks insecure. So instead I now try to laugh about my non-important mistakes.

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