I mentioned on another thread the GHIC (Global Health Insurance Card) has replaced the EHIC we had when in the EU and it turned out many people weren’t aware it exists.

It works in the exactly the same way as the EHIC, so you get health care in many European countries on the same terms as their citizens.

It’s still free and a worthwhile addition to run alongside insurance, some insurance will require it so check the small print.

  1. I did. They arrive very quickly normally, with lots of Union Jack flags all over.

    Travel insurance generally requires you to have one.

  2. Just looked it up, you don’t need to get a GHIC for Europe until your EHIC expires.

  3. Even if they don’t require it, they may waive the excess if you have a GHIC anyway. So always useful to have

  4. Note that it isn’t valid in every country an EHIC is (“global” my arse). All the major ones are covered, but if you’re going somewhere more unusual you should double check.

  5. Another very worthwhile thing to know is the PRC.
    If you don’t have the GHIC (or your EHIC ran out), you can get the PRC online through government gateway. It’s instant, you can do it on behalf of someone else and you’ll get the emailed cert through straightaway.

    If you happen to need medical assistance abroad, and particularly if the healthcare there is free for citizens, it will entitle you to the same (just as with GHIC). Much easier/better than paying up front and getting it back through your travel insurance.

  6. It doesn’t work in exactly the same way – it doesn’t cover Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway.

    Though Switzerland is still covered.

    What it did do is work in the same way in the EU as the EHIC did.

  7. Yes!! I work with various travel insurers for their overseas medical assistance company. We sometimes have to apply for them retrospectively when people receive overseas treatment in Europe – please apply for one before you travel!

  8. Can someone who resides in the UK but doesn’t yet have citizenship apply for one?

  9. I just got notice that my application (from last March) was rejected because I didn’t provide extra details, but they never requested extra details? odd

  10. I had no idea and I was in holiday in Europe at Easter. I just bought travel insurance!

  11. My partner lost her GHIC and so it now appears you have to just phone the energy number to get a temporary one if needed. There doesn’t seem to be a way to get a replacement???

  12. We did it all online and they came brought a few weeks later, all worked out ok for us.

  13. Yeah thanks for this – I saw it and applied for my whole family yesterday. We’re going away in a few weeks so may not get the cards in time but at least if anything happens I can get the temp one of treatment is needed 🙂

  14. Yes, and I’ve got mine already. It came super quickly, applied online late at night and it was at my address 2 days later!

  15. Yes. Had to go to the hospital in France though and they’d never heard of it. Was quite awkward

  16. How does this work if you’re an Irish citizen but have lived in the UK your whole life?

  17. It’s also extremely important for people to realise that just because it has ‘Insurance’ in the name, doesn’t mean that it offers the same level of coverage as proper travel and health insurance. All it does is make you treatable in the EU as if you were a citizen of the country you’re being treated in. But if that’s a country where there’s no NHS equivalent, and most people are expected to have some sort of health insurance to cover themselves, then you’ll still be out of pocket if you aren’t sufficiently covered.

  18. It’s all good to have but it doesn’t replace insurance!

    Don’t expect an air ambulance repatriation from Europe to the UK funded by this.

    European travel insurance is not expensive.. for most anyway.

  19. How timely! I used my ghic today…to apply filler between tiles in my parquet floor. Perfect size and flex.

  20. Thanks. I’ve been abroad twice this year and have two more trips planned, had no idea this was a thing.

    Have ordered, and it took 2 minutes!

  21. Just so people are aware too. The GHIC doesn’t cover the same stuff as the EHIC did, in many places it offers a discount instead of free health care, it also doesn’t cover the same countries, just double check before you go 🙂

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