I have a hard time to talk in conversation. It like I try to talk but I feel like what I am about to say that some people don’t care about so I don’t say them I’m not sure what to do in conversation such as what should my body language be and what if it my turn to talk and I don’t know what to say, so I just try to avoid conversation but avoiding interacting with people has taken a toll on my mental health I feel lonely. So I am starting to practice conversation but I feel like I will look awkward and I also feel like a weird person since I’m in middle school I feel like I have to talk a certain way i also feel like if I say stuff such as how your family or whatever I feel like they wouldn’t even respond to me since they are always mostly talking abt gossip I’m not a fan of gossip but I feel like I have to know some just to have a conversation with another student ( sorry abt venting. I just really feel terrible for not being able to talk to another student at the same school as me. But also if you have any tips for socializing with others I will greatly appreciate it)

1 comment
  1. I have this problem too. I don’t really have any advice since I’m still dealing with it myself. My best advice though is to just find other people who have trouble having conversations.

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