i met a boy around a year and a half ago. we instantly had an amazing connection and he stayed over every night for almost 2 weeks. then, he ghosted me. a few months later it happened again. i was done with him (obviously!), but about a month or two ago he messaged me after a long time and told me he had enlisted. he confessed that he had ghosted me due to having a lot of feelings for me, but knowing he was going to enlist and not wanting to hold me back or tie me down. he asked if i wanted to try again, and i told him i loved him and that i would be willing to. we’ve been together ever since, but ever since then he has been absolutely obsessed with me. he calls me every morning when he wakes up and every night he texts me about how much he loves me. he’s brought up marriage and children multiple times, and i’m wondering what this switch is from? is he truly into me or just lonely while off in the military? he’s coming home soon because of the end of his military education (i think?), but i want to make sure i’m not hurting myself by holding out for a man who might only want me because he’s surrounded by military bros.

  1. I don’t know what his specific job in the military is, but know this; If you’re in the military, you wake up knowing in the back of your mind that every day could be your last.
    Joining the military means that you’re willing to lay down your life to serve your country and protect your loved ones. If you ask me, it just sounds like he wants to make the most of your time together in the event that something does happen to him. Of course, things could turn out perfectly fine, but why take that chance?

  2. You get benefits in the U.S. military if you’re married. If he is in the U.S.

  3. Sounds like some serious love bombing.

    I’ve got two theories – one another poster mentioned, there’s benefits to being married in the military.

    The other is fidelity. You’ve probably never heard about “Jody”. “Jody” is the slang for the civilian guy your wife/girlfriend is sleeping with (or leaves you for!) while you’re away on some military assignment.

    He’s now surrounded by guys introducing him to this concept, and he could be trying to ensure your loyalty with love bombing.

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