[Mcvities Chocolate Hobnobs](https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/products/278371514) VS [Tesco Chocolate Oaties](https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/products/259312326)

Are they nice? Are they even remotely similar? Are they good for dunking? Choose your biscuity champion.

Asking for a friend who may or may not be standing in the middle of Tesco right now absolutely grief stricken by the distinct lack of Hobnobs.

  1. In my experience, no alternatives are adequately close to being a chocolate hobnob.

  2. That’s like asking is a Fiat a viable alternative to a Ferrari.

    Tesco’s version is going to be better than celery, but it’s not going to be comparable to an actual Hobnob.

  3. Not much difference to be honest. I was pleasantly surprised with how good they are. Also half the price too

  4. I’m a particular fan of an aldi chocolate oatie, so give them a go 🤷‍♂️
    If they are close enough and a quid or 2 cheaper, win win!

  5. They’re almost identical.

    Hope you’re not still there, two hours later….

  6. I’d probably not admit defeat and go to another supermarket chain or another tesco nearby instead.

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