How do you get abs as a woman?

  1. Same way you get abs as a man. Decrease your body fat until they’re visible. May require some level of dehydration as well.

  2. Same as men, build muscle through core strengthening exercises and protein intake, then decrease body fat percentage by diet.

  3. Everyone has abs. On some people they’re defined without working out, others need to lose body fat and build muscle to get them pronounced or visible at all. Muscles also show more when you’re dehydrated, hence why runway models, buff actors and others often avoid all liquids 12-24 hours before an important job/scene/whatever.

  4. Decrease body fat till they are visible. You can decrease your body fat through diet and exercise. Diet matters more though, you can’t out exercise a bad one.

  5. I say this a personal trainer….abs are revealed (everyone has abs…) by what you’re putting into body.

  6. as they say – abs are made in the kitchen so your diet matters.

    as a woman, it’s fucking HARD to maintain. I had abs but not the ripped super defined 6-pack you see on body builders rather, the sculpted oblique lines, the line down the middle and you could see the shapes of my ab muscles if I flexed but not when relaxed. I managed to get them by working out HARD 6 days a week doing muay thai and weights. I was burning crazy calories every day and eating so clean with zero booze, sugar etc…..happened when I was training alongside the fight team and supported them during their fight camp. I think I was about 16 or 18% body fat at the time so you could see definition.

    the training wasn’t as hard as the diet; I measured/weighed everything and after a while, it got tiresome.

  7. Everyone has abs but to get visible abs you need to eat in a calorie deficit. It’s also down to genetics. That’s it really

  8. As everyone is saying, Core exercise to build muscle, and fat loss to reveal said muscle.

    But keep in mind, it’s not always possible to have visible abs *and* be in perfect health. Some people are genetically wired to carry their essential fat around their abdomen.

    Women require 10% body fat as essential fats (to help store and metabolise fat soluble vitamins) and men require around 5%. This is a non-negotiable level of body fat for good health.

    Female athletes tend to have around 14-20% body fat, and many female athletes note a drastic change in their menstrual cycles around 17% (with most women at the 14% end having lost their cycles)

    If you have good core strength, and you’re down to ~20-18% body fat and you can’t see abs, there’s a chance your body type will just never let you have both visible abs and good functional health.

    You can cut body fat and dehydrate yourself to reveal those abs, but what’s the point of having abs if you are at risk of a heart attack because of the way your starving yourself just to show those abs?

    Everyone has abs, if you didn’t, you wouldn’t be able to sit, stand or roll over. You can make your abs bigger with core exercises, and you can make them more visible by carrying less fat around your midriff, but you can’t control where your body stores it’s essential fat, so don’t push beyond the limits.

  9. As a woman with abs it’s brutal. Between doing exercises targeting those abs, dieting, and conditioning it’s rough. And you have to be consistent and put in the work every single day.

  10. You get them when you are born. Otherswise you would fall apart.

  11. 1: eat half a stalk of celery a day

    2: spend 9000000 calories a day working out

  12. Mostly diet. Weight training on the whole body helps, but you have to be thin enough for the abs to show. It’s difficult!

  13. Abs are made in the kitchen. Watch what you eat and also train core focused excersises.

  14. You already have abdominal muscles. In order to be able to see them takes getting very lean, reducing body fat. It’s not always healthy or sustainable for women, as genetically we tend to hold fat in the abdomen for child bearing. Good luck and don’t get too obsessive about it.

  15. Low fat.

    Diet matters a lot more than exercise.

    You’ll generally get the “11-lines” at 14-10% body fat, under 10% and you’ll see abs/6pack.. This is assuming you aren’t specifically building your abdominals.

  16. You need to be in caloric deficit and once you reach a desired level, you need to up the calories to maintenance level so that you can have those abs year-round.
    Although, I must say having abs as a woman might not be the best idea. There is a reason women naturally have a somewhat higher body fat percentage. Your body is constantly ready to accommodate a child, so it holds reserve fat for additional energy.
    Being dehydrated or starved can mess up female hormones and can actually stop menstrual cycles from happening because you body is more focused on survival than reproduction.
    Not all women can get abs in a healthy manner. You can experience with it, but you must listen to your body!
    Perhaps consultation with a doctor or a female personal trainer can be useful.

  17. Build muscle, decrease body fat.
    However, the optimal body fat percentage for women is 21-32% (depending on age). The body fat percentage at which abs are visible is 14-20%.

  18. For me it has been extremely difficult to have visible abs after menopause. I have low body fat, work out like it’s my job and eat very healthy foods…but visibly defined abs have eluded me since menopause. I have strong, flat stomach muscles but that definition isn’t there.

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