My boyfriend suffers from trust issues, anxiety, depression, avoidant attachment, stress…

He keeps doubting himself and he needs constant reassurance. But i can’t be around him all the time since he needs a lot of space because of his avoidant attachment.

I wanna buy him something that would remind him that i will always be there for him no matter what.. any ideas? or something that he can actually use to make his anxiety/stress attacks less bad?

  1. A small heart shaped ballon filled with knead or flour he can keep in his pocket and can squeze when having a stress/anxiety attack?

    Add a little speech to it about how he should see it as symbol that youre always there for him and so on when gifting it

  2. I know it’s tough for the both of you, I recommend a card or note with loving words of affirmation. He will deeply appreciate it.

    Otherwise, has he tried therapy? It will be a good outlet for him to talk to a professional and learn some skills to handle his emotions

  3. Something with your name like a keychain or something might do. Maybe something that holds a picture that can fit in a pocket

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