I’m sick of trying so hard every day to get 1% of the results people around me get effortlessly. I’d stopped caring so much about all the mistakes I make, and focused on learning from them, but they’re fucking endless. At this point I’m sure there’s something wrong with me at my core, and that trying to learn from all the little ways it manifests is useless.

I never had a best friend growing up, I never had a close, trusting relationship with a parent or sibling, I never learned to bond with people, and I think this has crippled me for life. Am I being dramatic? Are there any stories of people who become charismatic and socially comfortable ACTUALLY later in life? Am i just screwed?

As an example and what led me to write this:

I’ve been seeing this girl casually for a while, and I can feel her interest in me fading every time we see eachother. I’ve never spent so much time with someone one on one and I struggle to “entertain” her. I’m only playful in small reactive ways, and I don’t really have the drive or creativity to lead our conversations or make things fun/flirty. By the end things are always awkward and boring, and all I can think about is why she’s wasting her time with me.

  1. Yes.

    I could count the number of friends I had until graduating high school on one hand.

    There presently are hundreds of people around the world where, if i showed up with a six pack and some vegan nosh, would just embrace me at their door instead of wondering how i got there.

    I’m not charismatic. I am still awkward socially, but I lean into my weirdnesses instead of try to resist them. Turns out others kinda like this strange chick from sim city.

  2. Yes, try looking for a local Improv/acting class. It’s a great way to make friendships in a fun environment that helps make social connections with the other people. You can improve and definitely make up for the lack of a past childhood socialization within a good Improv group. I’ve seen it turn lives around!

  3. A lot of people have already left good comments but I want to warn against assuming it’s effortless for others.

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