I was in a long term relationship in high school where we had a pretty toxic sex life (immature teenagers who don’t communicate). After we broke up two years ago, my sex drive went up like crazy and I wanted to start hooking up with people. When I got to college, I tried hooking up with people, but the sex was horrible each time and I couldn’t get turned on at ALL.

I realized that I only get turned on and “in the mood” when I am with someone I know and care about. This isn’t a bad thing, but I’ve been single for so long and so horny for actual good sex that it’s driving me crazy. I hate dating apps, I hate small talk that goes nowhere, and I can’t seem to meet anyone at my college who doesn’t just want to fuck and leave.

It’s driving me nuts. I constantly want sex and am horny so often, but I can’t get any action because I need to form an emotional bond with someone first. Someone PLEASE tell me I’m not crazy or they are going through the same thing.


    Girls like to bond over sex and if you’re not mentally with a guy, it’s infuriating.

    You gotta meet more guys till you’re comfortable with one.

  2. You could try a fwb thing if that’s in the cards for you and you’re comfortable with it. Or masturbate like another user said.

    But yeah, I getcha. I know a lot of people who are similar to you, and honestly I think you should look up demisexual because that’s exactly what you described. So no, you’re not crazy and there is DEFINITELY a whole community out there who experiences the same thing. I might honestly be the same way tbh. But I wish you good luck in your endeavours soldier

  3. This is perfectly normal and you are not crazy. Sex with strangers is lousy for lots of people. After doing it a lot, I decided by own policy was not to have sex before the second date. It does require effort, though, because you’ve got to filter out a large number of guys who lack the patience and social skills to get to know you before having sex.

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