Hello, ladies. For those of you that live with your partner, how much attention and affection does your partner give you on a daily basis?

  1. Quite a bit most of the time, but sometimes we both get a bit intense then withdraw a bit for a few days. We both sometimes struggle with maintaining healthy boundaries so I think we both feel bad for it after it gets super intense.

  2. A lot.

    He tells me he loves me every day – more than once.

    He often writes notes on the bathroom mirror in whiteboard marker (today’s was: my wife is so HOT!!).

    We have sex every day – usually twice.

    We spoon each other to sleep (we take turns being the big spoon or little spoon).

    He’ll send me sms messages about twice a week telling me how beautiful I am and how lucky he is to have me as his wife, or thanking me for being so wonderful to him.. that kind of thing.

    He makes me breakfast every morning (while I’m still in bed breastfeeding our youngest daughter).

    He always grabs my ass when he walks by haha.

    There’s more, but yeah.. in short – a LOT.

  3. It’s a so-so sort of thing, but mostly because he knows I need my space sometimes (and he does too), but the man draws me a bath when I’m texting about a rough day at work, so yeah. He is very attentive and affectionate. Little kisses here and there passing by, sends me the occasional meme or photo, will surprise me with food. I’m not even mentioning the sexual stuff, but I feel like that would just be cheating at this point

    Honestly, he’s a goddamned dream

  4. I get a lot of kisses and hugs daily as we both love physical touch and we are intimate quite a few times a week, or at least twice a week.

    I’m quality time and physical touch person, so sometimes I wish he would tell me he loved me more or showed affection first, but when I catch myself thinking about it I feel greedy? Lol. Because he gives me enough and way more then I’ve had in past relationships.

    When I get home from work he’s always got a meal on or prepared for me and shows me he cares with other things that aren’t affection or attention via touch.
    I feel lucky every day, we both do.

  5. Lots, we’re both extremely physical people and express ourselves physically, so we give eachother plenty of physical and emotional affirmation. Lots of little touches, kisses, cuddles, small compliments. It’s nice.

  6. Naturally, about 95% of what I need. Then I directly ask for the extra 5% and he happily gives it.

  7. We do a lot of random touches, hugs, kissess. We hold hands a lot or cuddle/touch. It’s kind of a comfort thing. We do our own stuff, just the occasional touch makes it really comforting and nice.

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