If you had enough money and you didn’t have to work, but not enough to live well, what would you do?

  1. I would spend my time being creative and selling bits off for spending money

    . I’d try to have a house with land and get some animals and try to live off the land as much as possible.

    I’d do odd jobs for friends and I’d write.

    Or I’d just work part time to top up my income

    Honestly I’d take being able to live without *having* to work any day.

  2. I guess live exactly like I do now minus work, and just spend more time on my hobbies? But I don’t really see any situation where I’d have enough money to not work but still not live well.

  3. I guess it depends on how you define “live well”. To me “enough money” means I had enough to pay all my bills, travel a bit, buy gifts for family and friends at special events, go out once in a while. If I didn’t have enough for that, I’d be getting a job. “Living well” means I don’t have to think about money except big purchases, I don’t have to sacrifice to pay for things like vacations, renovations etc.

  4. Depends on my circumstances. Am I able to work? Then I’d work to live well financially. If not, I’d move somewhere with lower cost of living.

  5. I would open a donkey sanctuary and have some livestock too.

    Always longed for something meaningful as a job (although I do feed children, that’s pretty meaningful too and they can also be animals at times! Haha)

    Just fancy pootling around my land in a pick up truck, bunch of dogs in the back and go and feed ‘twinkle’ and ‘star’ Busy but mindful stuff.

  6. Enough money to not work would in itself be living well for me lol. The only reason we’re still working now is so we can afford a great retirement.

  7. work and travel. just odd jobs on farms or selling stuff for a season.

  8. Work. What’s the point of not having to work if you don’t have the means to do anything fun with all your free time?

  9. I have a career I love so I’d keep working and use that excess money to help my marginalized community, especially by buying property to rent out at cost.

  10. If I have enough money but am still not living well then it sounds like I still need to work. Unless you mean I have enough to pay my bills but not much else in which case I’d still have to work.

  11. I’d still work. I like my job and I also like to get myself and my son little luxuries here and there.

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