Men of Reddit, what are the moments with your old flame that you still reminisce about?

  1. My first serious girlfriend. I still remember every detail of her 22 years later. And sometimes I still think about how she used to just curl up on my chest for hours, while her two favorite cds played. I’ve never been able to hear the tapestry album without thinking of her. And it’s bittersweet.

  2. I’ve had over 50 partners, and I’ve had maybe 5-6 serious girlfriends. I don’t reminisce on any of them, ever. If I’m doing something and it reminds me of them, I think about it for a second and I move on. There’s a reason we broke up, and for every good moment, there’s an even worse one.

  3. I reminisce regularly. My woman isn’t that great, but compared to my past, she’s a keeper. I reminisce for a reason. It keeps me with her. Best woman I have ever had and don’t intend on forgetting that.

  4. The mental image of their naked bodies as we had sex.

    Otherwise, I don’t really reminisce about anything. They’re old flames for good reason.

  5. There’s a weekend I spent with a girl in my 20s which was great, was just a girl I had met who fell for me, it was a moment in time that can’t be recreated because it’s before she went crazy.

  6. The one and only that could deep throat me. She genuinely enjoyed giving head. Never had a woman that interested in giving oral since.

  7. So many random moments pop up in my head.

    I still remember eating dinner with my ex when we lived together. We would cook together whatever recipes we saw online and see how it would turn out. She was always surprised that an ape like me could actually cook something.

    I remember our worst fights because we would make up at the end of it in the sweetest ways and remind each other how much we love each other.

    I also remember all the trips we took because she was the first woman I ever traveled with. At the time I hated some of her habits but now I realize how silly I was being and that I should have appreciated those moments.

    When I reminisce I remember all those lessons I learned.

  8. I really like the time when my wife got my ex to swing on her so she’d get arrested by the cop she didn’t see across the street. That was a good day.

  9. How she’d stand on my feet and look up to me and follow me in bed, I’d wake up with her holding me and I’d be pushed up against the wall

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