What is your favourite American cheese not produced in Vermont, Wisconsin, or California?

  1. My wife makes some sometimes. Its pretty good.

    Belle Chevre is good. Rogue Creamery too.

    Edit: I know Tillamook is popular, but has it suffered from going national? I personally wasn’t impressed.

  2. As a cheese loving wisconsinite I take offense to this question.

  3. There is a Amish community a couple hours from me. They make some good cheese.

  4. A friend’s- Dancing goats. Amazing cheese. She loves her goats so much and is pretty passionate about cheese. too.

  5. Waldo Smog in Maine or anything else by Fuzzy Udder which gets cheese from a crap ton of local farms.

  6. The farmer and cheddar cheeses that the Amish near me produce is quite good (and very cheap).

  7. Humbolt Fog is hands down the best American cheese, with Maytag Blue being a close second.

  8. I have to say, I have no idea where any cheese I like is made, and I don’t really care. I suspect most of us are like that.

  9. I live in Oregon and buy a lot of cheese at my local farmer’s market, so I guess I would go with that.

    I do also appreciate Tillamook which is ubiquitous where I live.

  10. As a kid I would have chosen Velveeta cheese from NY.

    Now I’d go with Tillamook from Oregon if we have to choose nationally available in grocery stores. Otherwise, I’ll take anything local in pretty much any state : )

  11. Texas. We are number 5 in cheese production in the US.

    Many of our cheeses are based on either German varieties or Mexican varieties.

  12. I like Whatcom Blue from Twin Sisters Creamery in Washington. Cougar Gold is also really good.

  13. I got some great goat cheese from a farmers market in Durham NC.

    Turns out hippies make great cheese.

  14. A classmate of mine runs a dairy that now is sold at Hy-Vee. So if you’re in the midwest and see Jisa’s Cheese, that’s my classmate. Nice family for the most part.

  15. there’s this really good brie made in the finger lakes region and aged right in the city I live in

  16. There is a creamery in the small town of Alma, KS (population about 800). I like taking a drive and buying cheese from them every so often. I think you can buy it online too.

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