I’m always out of topics while talking to girls and don’t have a very interesting conversation.

  1. I’m in a relationship, but I find that when talking to people in general it’s good to just ask questions about theirselves and follow those questions up with more. Then try and relate your own experiences/thoughts to their answers

  2. The first thing is to not force it. If there is nothing to talk about, then there is nothing to talk about. I know it is tempting to talk for the sake of talking, I am also guilty of this, but it really isn’t great.

    Second thing: listen. Pick up on things they like, things you have in common, things they do/upcoming events, and the likes. That way you will know things that you will be able to talk to them about.

    Third thing: see if you are always the one who starts the conversation/carries it. If you put in significantly more effort than them, stop talking. If they like you, they will put in the effort as well. Something I used for this is the 3 day rule. If you don’t text them for 3 days, after having texted for a while, and they don’t text you either, that is a sign that maybe the effort is not equal.

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