I (20M) met Annie (22F) (fake name) at work and quickly became friends with her late last year. Eventually she told me she was interested in me a few months later, and since I love talking to her and she’s a beautiful woman, I decided to pursue a relationship with her.

We were in a talking stage for three months, and there were around three times I believe where she told me she wasn’t sure if she wanted a relationship with me when I would ask her. After those three months I told her we should stay strictly as friends, even though I didn’t want to, since things felt a bit colder on her end. I respected her decision and why she didn’t want to continue anymore, and I appreciate her being honest with me, but it still hurts a lot even though this was two months ago.

My issue now is that I have not stopped thinking about her every day since, even on days when we don’t talk. I still have feelings for her, but we’re also best friends now and I want to be supportive for her. I want to stop thinking about her so much. I also saw that she has dating apps on her phone, and there’s nothing wrong with it, I’ve downloaded dating apps since, but I still get in a bad mood when I think about her talking to other guys and how I wasn’t the right guy for her.

What can I do stop thinking about her so much? What can I do to stop feeling jealous about what she does too? I can’t leave my job, and she still works some shifts with me.

TL;DR: I got out of an unofficial relationship with my best friend, and I want to stop thinking about her romantically.

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