TL;RD: looking for advice to move for a breakup that I am having a hard time getting over.

For reference me and my ex girlfriend are both in our early 20s and been doing a long distance relationship for the majority of our relationship due to attending different colleges seeing each other maybe once a month besides the summer for 4 years. About around two months ago my ex broke up with me bc if different factors i’ll try to explain as short and sweet as possible. That of my knowledge the reasons she broke up with me was because she felt as for the past months we didn’t communicate much via text and call (which I will admit I handled poorly and could’ve done better) and not being interested hanging with her friends. Little thing about that part is I am not a very outgoing person and very antisocial and the times she hangs with her friends revolve around alcohol, which I don’t condone in (not to make that as an excuse why I didn’t want to). While on top of all that she didn’t communicate how she was feeling about me or talked things out she bottled everything up and when she met her breaking point she wanted space to herself which i respect. Another thing is when she decided to bottle things up she said she did not want to tell me because she thought I’ll get mad and it makes me think if I was being toxic through the relationship and she thought I would get aggressive towards her, which I would had never do which makes me feel like poop. Now with all that be said I understand what i’ve done isn’t her fault nor am I trying to blame her for anything it’s just for the past two months now I have not been able to be myself and I feel like it is affecting me mentally now and cannot forgive myself of what i’ve done. I’m not seeking for people to bash on me, saying how bad of a person I am or to fight for my side of things just looking for advice to move forwards and learn from this mistakes from people that experience heartbreak. Again only positive responses will be appreciated I already feel as my life has been miserable still so i’m not looking for hate comments.

1 comment
  1. Time

    Talk with friends

    Focus on yourself

    Spend time on hobbies

    Pick a new skill to learn

    Daily journaling

    Therapy if need be

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