Hey everybody, have kind of a specific situation that I could use advice on. When I was younger in my 20s and 30s, I was considered and often felt like the life of the party in social situations. However, I was recently diagnosed with a mental illness, which was a blessing, because now I am properly medicated and feeling way more like myself than ever before.

While this is a great shift, it is negatively impacting me in social situations. For instance, my husband and I are attending a large party this weekend, where we will be chatting with about 100 guests that we know pretty well. While previously, I had no problem talking it up for long periods of time, I’m feeling much more introverted and less interested in Smalltalk than ever before (probably closer to my “real” personality). Also, I’m not able to drink much on my meds, so no more social lubricant.

I have a very interactive job that requires a lot of energy and people skills, so after doing that every day it’s pretty much an empty-tank scenario.

For those of you who might struggle with this type of social situation, or did in the past, do you have any tips on keeping up the level of tolerance and interest in a large party setting?

Thanks in advance!

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