I (17M) am feeling pretty down and could use some advice and support from you all. I recently had to face the harsh reality that the girl I thought was the love of my life will never be mine. It’s been tough coming to terms with it, and I’m feeling pretty depressed right now. I’m not sure if I’ll ever find someone else like her. She was my first ever date, and I’m worried it’ll be impossible to meet another girl because I’m not good enough and that I will be alone forever.

Short story of the situation: went on a date with a girl, after the date I was convinced she rejected me so I ignored the shit out of her for the next two months (even when I saw her in real life) and now I realize I shouldn’t have done that and that she has moved on and that I have no chance with her anymore.

Has anyone dealt with unrequited love or the realization that someone you deeply cared for wasn’t meant to be with you? How did you handle it and start healing? I’m also worried about the future and losing hope in finding love again. If you’ve been in a similar situation, how did you regain your confidence and faith in finding love once more? Any personal stories or advice would be so appreciated.

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