hey everyone!! i (f18) have been dating my boyfriend (m18) over 1.5yrs, and weve gone long distance because of college! i found/saw while he was face timing me on his ipad that he was logging into and out of snap chat accounts on his phone. i thought i was crazy so i took a screen shot of him, and looked closer and i was right, a snap chat log in page. he has never mentioned this to me, and we have talked about every single account we own. i dont mind if he has a separate snapchat, but i do wish that he would of said something cause it just feels weird. he knows that i have iffy feelings about snapchat, especially in my last long term relationship i was severely being cheated on through it behind my back. i am nervous to bring it up cause i dont want to make him upset or ghost me or block me on everything (its been done before). i just would rather know if in being cheated on or not because its hurting more just being in the middle of not knowing. any advice?

tldr; found my boyfriend has a separate account on snapchat and has never told me about it

  1. If he has ghosted you or blocked you in the past for asking questions like that, then he’s either hiding something or is a jerk (or both). There’s nothing wrong with simply asking about it. If he reacts like that, I’d question as to why. That’s not a normal reaction to your partner unless you get extremely upset or verbally abusive.

    I’m sorry, but if my boyfriend blocked me or ghosted me for something like that, I wouldn’t want to stay with him.

    I hope it’s really nothing, but given his history, I’m inclined to think he’s hiding something. The least you can do is try to ask, directly, but calmly and see how he reacts. If he blocks you again, I’d rethink the relationship.

  2. I’m not familiar with the workings of snapchat but if he does have a secret second one then he’s up to no good.

  3. >i am nervous to bring it up cause i dont want to make him upset or ghost me or block me on everything (its been done before).

    Well that’s manipulative as fuck. He blocks you and makes you chase him down. Does he also blame you for making him do it?

  4. *In general* I think it’s fine for people to have additional accounts on whatever; not every social media space has to be one that your partner is part of. But in your specific case where apparently you have a history of repeatedly having disagreements that end up in blocking sprees, it all sounds very weird and unhealthy. He’s behaved badly in the past and you don’t trust him and you can‘r have a responsible adult conversation because he can‘t handle those. It honestly doesn’t matter whether his side account is for flirting with other people or for a harmless hobby he’d rather keep private – your relationship is already poisoned. Just break up with him.

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