What’s a disappointment men can only experience from other men?

  1. The guy that stands next to you at the urinal when there’s plenty of other room, then tries to start a conversation.

  2. Being thrown under the bus by other men for the sake of appealing to women or some petty bs. Not supporting one another .

  3. A physical task that you try and fail, then another man tries the same physical task and does it with ease.

  4. You find out that a life-long friend is gay and realize that he never made a pass at you.

  5. The disappointed and condescending look out of the corner of their eye as they pretend not to notice you failing to get the cap off of a twist top beer bottle.

  6. A coworker who is notorious for bullshitting, never says anything seriously and then when they get a tiny amount of power instantly try and flex if you continue to joke around with them.

    A single guy in his 30s who’s primary interests and topics of conversation are how much they play video games

    Guys who go well beyond just kind of general bitching at work and get actually upset, up to throwing a fit, because their job sometimes is stressful

    Guys who are really cool to hang out with but serially cheat on their girlfriend, this is multiplied if you’ve known the girl much longer and he keeps doing it to the same girl

    Not being an alcoholic, but also not being able to handle like 4 beers they enthusiastically drank

    Talking confidently at length about something very specific and being completely wrong (women can do this too, but it’s significantly less common)

  7. Seeing your guy crush date your girl crush. Holy fuck that hurt like a mf.

  8. Trying to get all your guy friends together for an extended weekend, giving lots of notice and making well thought out plans…. Just for them to systematically bail one by one with some pitiful excuses. Hurts more when they were all for it beforehand too.

  9. Your dad not being around. Or not coming home with that milk you wanted to drink.

  10. When they succumb to being “macho” and have to send a random insult your way.

  11. Having your father actively piss you off/have zero interest in your vision of self.

  12. Ain’t nothing like watching someone you respect sell out every ounce of pride and self respect just to go completely unga bunga goblin mode over some midussy

  13. When you really love the girl but her brothers act all psycho and make you just move on without pursuing her because they don’t think their sister should ever date

  14. When a male friend you truly cared about and considered a close friend slowly starts to fade because he starts prioritizing his girlfriend. And then before you know it, they just cease to exist in your life as they slowly build their new life. Hurts man.

  15. When you break up with a partner and a few months down the line your best mate hooks up with her…not cool bro.

  16. “He should be able to take it, he’s a man” as you’re on the floor at the age of 12

  17. Realising you have a different set of morals when it comes to dating. The only time I’ve ever been disappointed with a friend is when they’ve cheated.

  18. Limp ass handshakes, I brought a house from a former Marine and every time I shook his hand he would have the weakest handshake meanwhile I’m firmly squeezing his, was mildly disappointed.

  19. When you invite a friend to do something just the 2 of you and without telling you they bring their other friend. Making u feel like the third wheel

  20. When you’re getting close to someone, finally getting a connection and friendship that you have been lacking for so long, only to find out they’re from Ohio

  21. That some guys do not care if that girl is in a relationship or not. Sure the cheating is mostly her fault but you’re not innocent either. It should be an unspoken respected rule to not fuck someone elses gf. Terms like “a bf is not an obstacle” ( or whatever it goes) should be so shameful to speak out, to every man on earth, that their tongue starts to get burned.

  22. Had a friend for more than a decade. He liked a girl, girl liked me. She was cute, I went on a few dates with her but my friend was clearly uncomfortable so I picked my friendship over this girl. Months later found another girl i liked, my “friend” went behind my back and told her I was cheating on her (lies).

    10 years down the drain all because this guy couldn’t get over a girl liked me. To this day I haven’t been more disappointed, i would had taken a bullet for this guy.

  23. When your best friend gets a new best friend. (I’m sure this happens with women, too, though)

  24. Not keeping your word.

    It’s the most powerful tool that separates men and boys imo.

    A man that can’t keep his word is a liability.

  25. Being picked last on a team. Women are more empathetic about physical limitations.

  26. I have friend with toxic masculinities. And they always observe in everyone all manners that seems to “feminine”… Like it matters.
    Well here in my country we’re working on that macho thing.

  27. Chucking your mates under the bus for a girl or treating your mates/ partner like shit to impress other guys

  28. Betrayal by a male friend. It was mentioned before, but betrayal by other men for the attention or to gain favor by a woman too.

  29. Getting spoken over, leaving brofist alone, getting sidelined, selling out, gossip, using us for their own selfish reasons and idk

  30. Honestly, in these times, showing me nudes sent to him or sex pics he has with women.

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