My friends (17f) confronted me (17f) about how they’ve been thrown off by a lot of things I do and how some little shitty things I did has been piling up and upsetting them. Based on what they said though, they’re not wrong and during the confrontation I admitted fault to being that way. They said they always felt like I was one upping them, or twisting stories into my favor when I tell them or it seemed like I was going for a guy my friend liked. I understood the one upping thing cause based on what they told me I did, I could see why it seemed like I was trying one up them and I apologized for it. And the twisting the story thing I kind of saw where they were coming from cause I did over exaggerate my stories of situations soemtimes, but I don’t think it was to the extent they were implying. And I absolutely was not going for that guy. I was friends with him before she started liking him but I guess they noticed I got a lot closer after she said she liked him. But I obviously I was trying to do that, I just happened to get close to him near that time cause we had a class together. The confrontation was mostly just then saying every thing I’ve ever done that upset them and I get wanting to get it off their chest but I guess I was a little upset on the way they confronted me and pointed out everything I’ve ever done that they don’t like. They gave me a chance to get what I was off my chest but I couldn’t say anything cause at this point it would only seem like I’m projecting cause they all just confronted me. I feel like everything they pointed out are stuff I started doing kind of recently, ane obviously I will be working on myself to not treat them that way. But I’m kind of worried about how the group dynamic will be after this since clearly they were all collectively upset with me and discussed about it for a while. Aside from working on my problems, what else can I do to minimize the damage. Has anyone else gone through soemthing like this that can share their experience.

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