I can’t believe i was so happy few hours ago as my last post is about the show “Stranger things” i just got this shocker 🙁 so i instantly came here…. So my gf was acting weird for only 4-5 days now. Everything was going so great she was like i love you so much. I can’t live without you etc etc but she wasn’t calling me and texting me for 4-5 days and used to say that she is busy but today she removed my name from her bio from everywhere (Facebook, Instagram etc) and will probably block me from everywhere. How can a person change in 4-5 days when she literally said I’ll die without you 5 days ago… i just can’t believe it, i lost my appetite and my hands are shaking while typing this as i was seeing my future with her. How can someone change in 5 days? 💔 should i confront her because she is not attending my calls or opening my texts at all. I just don’t want to pop in front her randomly, I don’t even know what happened in these 5 days. I’m really sad 🙁

Edit – my parents died in a car crash a year ago and older sister is married she lives in florida. My gf was going to move in with me in 2 months but now this. I am really depressed and weak rn…

  1. > How can a person change in 4-5 days when she literally said I’ll die without you 5 days ago

    Just because she said that, doesn’t mean she meant it. I really hate to say this, but this was probably a while in the making. I know you must really be hurting – being cheated on is always painful, especially in a relatively long-term relationship. Things will get better with time, trust me, and talking to a professional would likely speed up the healing process and make things at least somewhat more bearable (my therapist probably saved my life when I was in a similar situation). My sympathies, and please just know that there are plenty of good people in the world, and I’m sure you’ll find someone who respects you, like you deserve, and live a happy life with them, even if it might not feel like it right now.

  2. You didn’t mention anything about cheating? So she didn’t cheat she just broke up with you?

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