I bought some cooked chicken yesterday evening at around 9pm. It hasn’t been in the fridge since then which is now 16 hours.

Would you eat this? I don’t want to get ill 🙁

  1. I wouldn’t. I buy my cats cooked chicken and did this by accident, I smelt sweet onnthe meaning so not good.

  2. Of course it feels colder than you.

    Body temperature is 36°c. Room temperature at the moment is what, 17°c?

    Don’t, for fuck sake, don’t eat chicken that’s been kept at room temperature for 16 hours.


  3. Of course you can eat it.

    How do you think chicken was stored before people had fridges?

    What about chicken sandwiches people but from supermarkets? They’re madecdays before and aren’t refridgerated.

  4. Imagine people like this didn’t have access to the internet. Some of the questions on here are embarrassing.

  5. It will either be fine, or you’ll loose a lot of weight out of your arse within 24 hours of eating it. Personally I wouldn’t risk it. Where you pissed when you brought it home and forgot to put it in the fridge?

  6. I’d eat it. Washed down with 4 cans of lager and 3 cans of strong cider. You’ll be fine.

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