Personally I can’t believe it but I love that my wife is hyper competitive/try hard…like I put it in my vows that I love when she says we gotta do XYZ…then damnit we doing it all the way. N it’s shocked me because I couldn’t stand kids like that in school lol.

  1. How good he is under pressure. In an emergency, he acts and just already knows what to do, while I’m the type who stands there, mouth agape, trying to process.

    His ability to spring into action is just so *smart*. It’s like I can just see his brain moving while he’s putting out literal fires (seriously, it happened, and the most I could do was to think to pause the TV show so he didn’t miss it while he was using a fire extinguisher). His brain just moves so fast and he’s so quick and sensible and saves the day.

    It makes me feel safe, honestly. Like I know that if the shit hit the fan, I could depend on him to keep me safe. I’d never considered needing a man with that sort of capability but now that I have one with it, good lord, it’s so attractive and makes me grateful AF and just love him harder.

  2. He has really nourished my inner child and helped me find that child-like spirit that I didn’t get to have during my own crappy childhood. He treats me like a baby in the best way. Always telling me to come sit on his lap, rocking me, and letting me climb all over him like a jungle gym. He makes sure I have my favorite stuffed toy to sleep with, and he makes sure we do fun things like stop at parks and have tickle fights. I didn’t know I needed it until I met him.

  3. That myself, my family or anyone close to us could turn to him for anything and he’d handle it. His ability to remain calm in any situation is amazing and I admire him so much for it ❤️

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