Me (25f) and my bf (25f) have been dating since November. We work at the same place and he sits right next to me. So basically we spend 9 hours with each other everyday.

This past week he wasnt well and he took a week off and went back to his parents place. We did text a bit but since the meds were a bit heavy he was always tired.

On Saturday he comes back feeling all good and we make plans to meet for lunch at a place near work. We meet, have lunch talk and leave the place to go sit outside while i book a cab and wait. He gets a call from his buddy and starts talking not realising I’m just there. I book the cab and wait for it to arrive all the while he’s on the phone talking. The cab arrives he ends the conversation and says sorry babe it was work. I knock it off playing chill at that moment cuz we met after a while I didn’t wanna end the day on a bad note and say goodbye.

Today we hardly texted, he just said good morning and we exchanged a few texts in the morning and then there was radio silence.

Now I’m bitter that after we met for so long he didn’t give me attention and started talking to his buddy and then today we didn’t text at all.

TLDR- We were apart for a week for the first time since our relationship began in November, and after meeting for lunch he starts talking on the phone while i wait for my cab, instead of just spending the last few minutes with me, and I’m upset for it.

  1. We used to text all day in the starting, I’ve talked to him about that issue of how we’ve stopped texting, he said he’ll be more conscious about the situation and work on it but then again we went all day not taking

  2. Do you text him or wait for him to text you? Honestly doesn’t seem like a big deal — maybe just a communication issue. Being in contact constantly is exhausting for me.

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