The person I’m seeing right now, we are hitting 2 months. We are both grad students in different cities, and we see each other once a week. We’ve kissed, slept together, met his friends, and find anytime we can to talk about serious things. I find him very attractive, feel at home with him, and enjoy how he makes me feel so comfortable when meeting his friends. He’s also very straightforward with his responses, which attracts me even more.

I understand when it comes to dating, people have certain rules about sustaining the dating period for 3 months or so. But I wonder and need some insight on this.

Any thoughts?

  1. i ask on a first date cause i’m looking for something serious. i don’t want to waste time with fwb but every situation is different

  2. There are no rules.

    I think you should tell him how you feel as soon as you feel that way. If you want to be with him exclusively, its time to tell him.

    Because what we always see, is the guy says some shit like “yeah I dunno if I’m ready yet, but I still love hanging out with you and I want to see where this goes.” Then the guy just continues to have sex no strings attached, then says, “yeah honestly I just dont think I’m ready for anything serious.”

    2 months is a solid amount of time. Its not like he’s going to say NO now, but be totally down to be with you at month 3.

  3. After you sleep with them.

    Otherwise I’d say after 5 dates, though whatever works for you. I asked on the second date and it worked since we’re in a relationship now.

  4. For me I’m exclusive after 2 good dates, and definitely exclusive after sleeping with someone.

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