How do lower middle class earner go on vacation?

  1. They don’t or they do vacations a bit different.

    When I was growing up, my dad was a firefighter. Not exactly the highest paying profession. We couldn’t afford to go on lavish vacations to another country, but we did have fun on mini road trips to the next city over or spending the night in a cheap motel somewhere off the coast. We also did a lot of camping.

  2. I’m the oldest of five kids. In the ’90s, most summers we did a weekend camping at camp grounds by the beach or the mountain. Used a pop-up camper for mom and the youngest 3. Dad and us oldest two boys shared an air mattress laid on the bed of the family van. The van bench seats were set around the fire for places to sit. Camp grounds had power so mom packed food in coolers and some cooking equipment. Not all meals were cooked over the fire.

    There were a few years dad would take some of us skiing once a season, but it didn’t last long because lift tickets are expensive.

    One year we took a week and road tripped down to Disneyland everyone in one van. Spent 4 days at Disneyland and one day at SeaWorld. Then, drove back up. I was 11 or 12, the youngest was 3 or 4.

    I don’t feel like I missed out on any great adventures for a few reasons. I was homeschooling, so I didn’t have other kids to compare my experiences with. We made plenty of fun memories year round without needing to travel great distances. And, I’m from the Pacific Northwest, there is a lot of great scenery for kids to explore.

    As an adult I have visited a few foreign nations and it was fun, but I don’t know how to do it in an immersive way, so I only got the relatively shallow tourist experience. I can think of a couple places I would like to see, but there are higher priorities for me for the foreseeable future. So, I may not leave the U.S. again.

  3. When I was poor I saved money to go on vacations and bought budget flights and went to places out of tourist season stayed in hostels anything to save money within reason if i could do it on minimum wage anyone should be able to

  4. Camping, or staying in cabins at caravan parks.

    Staying with friends.

  5. Save, save, save. And budget. Most places you can find free things to do and cost effective things that wont break the bank. Also, even if it’s a small get away or somewhere closer to home, it still counts. Better than not at all!

  6. We always went camping when I was a kid. We’d go and spend 2-3 weeks at a free camping site in the bush.

  7. I’m still young and can still benefit from living at my parent’s place so the only thing I have to do is work a bit, learn good tricks every time I travel and just come back the moment I no longer have money.

  8. As someone who’s below lower middle class and is about to go on a long festival tour: Saving up through the entire year, and really prioritising travelling before other expenses.

  9. Save up PTO or vacation days. Budget the trip by buying needed things early so you get a cheaper price(plane tickets, event tickets, etc). Or camping and staying at a relative’s house if you go out of town.

  10. Camping, road trips, budget motels, bringing your own food, and free to low cost activities at your destination.

  11. Dunno. Save up I guess?? Holidays are such a massive spectrum too, so some are just way cheaper than others.

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