I(16 trans female) stayed at my boyfriends house las night and we ended up getting sexual. I gave him oral and he did anal on me. We stretched me out first used lube and he went very slowly and it still hurt so badly I had to have him stop after a few minutes. Is anal always like this or will my body get used to it eventually? because as his girlfriend I want to be able to please him but since I’m trans my options are kind of limited.

  1. Have you tried a lube that numbs the area? Tush Kush and Uranus are good ones. I recommend both highly.

  2. It will be okay.

    There are several things to focus on when prepping for anal sex.

    1. Eat moar fiber. Take fiber supplements. Specifically, non-soluble. Psyllium husk supplements like Metamucil help keep you regular and easier to clean out your butt.

    Yes, it’s gross. It’s something you need to deal with for anal sex.

    2. Enemas. Read about them. Use them properly. Be clean.

    3. Early on anal can be uncomfortable, even painful. Stretch slowly. The bigger your bf’s cock is the more work you have in store. Get some toys for building up to it.

    4. More lube. Nope, use more lube. Uh-uh! Even Moar Lube! Lube is your friend. Use lots of it!l

    5. Go. Slow. Your anal sphincter needs to get used to the opposite of what it has evolved for. Eventually, given time and practice and lots of lube, you’ll be able to ride the largest of cocks for days. That isn’t today.

    6. Hemorrhoids. They happen. Read about Hemorrhoids and the treatment for them. You will get them. (If you don’t, be sincerely grateful!)

    7. Anal fissures. These also happen. They are worse. Butt!! Less likely! If you take fiber and hydrate well, you may avoid them completely.

    Take care. Be well. And, enjoy!

  3. Anal has always hurt me. Tried about 5 times. Not everyone can do it. And that’s ok. Don’t make yourself have unpleasant sex.

  4. Take it slow. It doesn’t have to hurt but you need to prep the right way. You have some excellent advise above (not the numbing lube).

  5. You need to train your self. Trainer plugs are good, then you can move up to bigger ones. If you can’t. Try having him finger you with lube of course. First one finger than two then three. Like that to stretch it more and more. Take your time with stretching. It should help. Make sure you clean and prep it for anal. Remember to always use a lot of lube, less isn’t more in this case. Hope I could help.

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