Hi everyone, me and my gf are both each other’s first and we have been having sex for roughly a year.

With time we found out I like being dominant and she likes being submissive, and recently I started trying some new dirty talk to see what does she enjoy.

Turns out she likes being called my little whore and treated as a “tool” for my pleasure, what can I do to lean more into this kink? What else could she like?

We have already talked about it but she genuinely doesn’t know what she could like, she found out she likes being treated a little rough only when we tried it together, she didn’t know before.

If you have any experiences or advice to share, please do, thank you!

She also likes being called “delicious”, “mouthful” or “little turkey”, I don’t really know what to make of this.

1 comment
  1. No one else can answer that question but her.

    Talk to her about it, create a safe word, watch videos together and see what turns each of you on, and figure out what about the video specifically turns you or her on. You can gradually introduce things until you find what really does it for both of you. And remember, what satisfies you or her today may not do it for you in a few years. People evolve, and communication is key.

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