My boyfriend has always been obsessed with my 🍑, he’s always said he’s obsessed with me and my body and I know he really loves me. I know I’m overweight and I often feel crazy insecure with my body and I’m worried it I keep gaining weight he won’t continue to find me attractive.

  1. No matter what is a stretch, but I’m sure he’s fine with some parameters.

  2. I’m sure eventually there’s a line, but if he says he’s happy and you two have good communication, I’d take him at face value.

  3. No. That’s just what men are supposed to say, so we say it. Besides, most of our bodies leave plenty to be desired too.

  4. Let me tell you something as a male objectively.
    A. We often like your bodies more than you do.
    B. There are typically things about you that way we may not particularly like however because they’re attached to you we genuinely like them.

  5. Well. What’s your dress size? That is the # he “loves” and is “obsessed ” with. Stay within that #

    Let’s play the honest game. If you are a solid dress size 6. And Ballon the French toast up to a dress size 16. There will be a problem.

  6. You’re worried about continuing to gain weight, are you doing anything to stop that from happening?

  7. No matter what.

    If you gain a lot of more weight, it means more than your body has changed. It can be a drop in self-discipline, a decrease in self-esteem, not caring about your general health and fitness etc..

    Those are things that will certainly threaten a relationship. How big your rear is, is only a problem when it is a symptom of the above.

    Pursue fitness for its own sake and for your personal health. A partner can’t ask anything more of you and shouldn’t

  8. He loves you and he loves your body. Trust him on this. Most men are accepting of all sorts of body shapes and I doubt you gaining some more weight will kill his interest.

    If your concern is you might gain weight then take what steps you can to make that a non-issue. He will see your effort and he will love everything about you that much more. Treat this fear and separate issue and combat it as one. Don’t lump it in with fear of him not wanting you because he hasn’t given you anything to doubt him. Trust him, that’s the whole point of being with I’m ain’t it?

  9. This is a mix of personal insecurities and stereotypes. The jnsecurity thing can be solved with a bit of self love. But the stereotype that every man wants a skinny blonde thing is a generalizing baloney that women love to eat up with a fork and a spoon. If he says he loves bigger women, believe him.

  10. Probably.

    Especially if you’re working at bettering it. Even overweight. It’s when you let go and don’t care how you look that the obsession will subside.

  11. You have a fear. You know how to mitigate that fear. Do you have the willpower to change?

  12. Here’s the contract I think most of my guy friends & their girlfriends have agreed to, as have I & my gf (unspoken, of course):
    I’ll shower you with compliments, especially about your physical attributes, and, in return, you maintain your weight. It works both ways.

  13. Whatever you do, just be healthy. We all want our partners to be happy, but it shouldn’t come at a cost to you.

  14. Some will, some won’t.

    For me, it’s hard to love someone who doesn’t love themselves.

  15. I think you should want to avoid becoming even more overweight for your own sake rather than just because you’re afraid that your partner will stop finding you attractive and leave.

  16. Okay soo, I appreciate the majority of comments. I have been deep in finishing my engineering degree (which has put a lot on my body btw lack of regular schedule and extreme stress) and between that stress leading to weight gain I also have medication that makes it hard to maintain or loose weight. I don’t look unhealthy at all to a degree I know I’m hot and curvey but bc I’m so tall people can’t really tell how much I weigh, I think it’s definitely part of a insecure thing more than a real problem but I do wonder about it bc I’m not stereotypical skinny…. The majority of days I know that I’m still pretty and desirable I just worry on occasion.

    I think I just hope that since I support him and make him feel loved and sexy at whatever size he is I want him to only care about if I’m happy and healthy like I want for him.

  17. He loves your current body. But don’t take his enthusiasm right now for permission to let it get out of hand.

  18. Yes.

    Each woman is unique. And I’ve found that their body image issues never made sense to me. The things they are hugely hung up on just didn’t matter to me. I just want to play with her body and make her feel nice.

  19. “Stereotype skinny blonde” …. ma’am. You have issues.

    Most men want a Healthy, Fit, Feminine woman.

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