Hi all,

Throwaway Account. About 8 months ago my ex-girlfriend and I ended things. She went away for school and she cheated on me while away. I started seeing someone new about 5 weeks ago and things have been really good – we get a long really well, share hobbies, and I’m really comfortable and happy with her.

My ex reached out to me to ask to get back together. I’m conflicted on what to do because I do love her. I told her about the new person I’m seeing and she is still okay with trying to fix things.

I don’t know what to do. I don’t know if I should give my ex another chance or if I should keep exploring this new connection.



TLDR: My ex and I broke up 8 months ago after she cheated. I started seeing someone new and it’s great. My ex wants to get back together and I don’t know what to do?

  1. The woman who cheated on you says it’s ok to cheat on your current gf with her.

    News flash: cheaters who want you to cheat will cheat more. Expect her to cheat often.

    Edit to add: returning to the betrayed partner is stereotypical. It’s a trope.

  2. What happens when she goes away again?

    Your ex would have to rebuild so much trust, but you being in love with her still is going to keep you from disconnecting. If you went back with her you have to set boundaries and she will have to understand that you don’t trust her and that it’s up to her to rebuild the trust.

    If the person isnT exclusive now there is no guarantee it will ever be. Is it exclusive?

  3. You ignore the cheating ex, but the fact that you gotta ask this question means you’re prob doing a disservice to your new girl too. Not fair to her to be starting a new relationship with someone who isn’t over his old relationship.

  4. Even if you were single you shouldn’t get back with her.

    Have some self respect, dude. She did it once, she’ll do it again.

    Block contact, move on with your life. Don’t be like her, be better.

  5. Why do you want to be cheated on again
    She is a Ex for a reason. keep her that way
    Cheaters don’t change.

  6. If you were my kid (similar age) my advice: move forward, not backwards. She only wants you back because you moved on. Once you go back, she’ll discard you again. Good luck.

  7. What are you doing OP?

    You got cheated on by your ex, you found someone else who you are very compatible with and now you are entertaining the thought of getting back with the cheater??

    Are you insane?

  8. Yikes. Date no one. I wouldn’t want to be with someone who is considering going back to their ex, basically being second best.


    Stay single and find yourself first.

  9. Hey dude seriously. No matter how much you love her, how much she has changed. It’s not worth it. It’s never worth it. She cheated on you, even if you got together and even if she never did it again. Would you be comfortable? When she goes away for a weekend are you going to spend it worrying about who she’s with and what she’s doing? Are you ever going to trust her fully? Probably fucking not!

    And even then, here’s something else. Are you really willing to hurt someone who you’re happy with? For someone who hurt you? Does she deserve that? Come on man, block her number, block her on socials, tell her you’re done and move on and be happy.

  10. Your ex cheated on you. That’s the only information you need.

    Explore this new thing. Don’t make a mistake for someone that already did you dirty once.

  11. Are you sure your ex didn’t know you were dating someone new before that call? She pops right back into your life when you are moving on. Sounds suspicious to me. You would be a fool to fall back into her web. She most definitely will cheat again. As the old saying goes…fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

  12. “My ex cheated on me and wants to get back together again. I still love her”

    “Im very comfy and happy with the person im seeing now, we’re a really good match”

    I dont think you learned your lesson yet. Leave the poor new girl who didnt do anything wrong the fuck alone if you still love someone else. Go back to the ex who cheated if you still havent learned your lesson. This post sounds both selfish and dumb, sorry.

  13. You say in one comment you and the other girl are exclusive then in another you aren’t bf/gf yet.

    If one reach out from this ex is making you this confused and lying to strangers on Reddit, you should leave the new girl alone and let her stretch for better bc you aren’t it.

  14. Read that 3rd sentence again: “She went away for school and cheated on me while away.” Go ahead and read it several more times please. How does that make you feel every time you read it? Horrible right? Don’t put yourself in a situation where down the road you’ll be saying that again, but this time you’ll write in and say “… she cheated on me… again!” Let’s play devils advocate and say you do get back together, what makes you think you’ll be able to trust her, then resentment will settle in between both of you. It’s not worth the time. And especially when you’re with someone else who provides you with what you need. Leave the ex alone. Good luck. PS, if you ever feel doubt in what I wrote, read that sentence I told you to read. Those are your own words. Take care man.

  15. Doesn’t matter if ya still not official with the current girl your with, unless you both have clarified you’ll be seeing other ppl while dating each other, that is still cheating & flat out disrespectful.

    Also to address ‘I do love her’ why tf are you dating someone if your still in love with an ex. If you are still not over your ex & you love her, you should NOT be dating someone else. That is not fair to that person to give their time & energy to you only for you to not only see an ex behind their back because ‘your not official’ and one day drop a big bomb on them your breaking up with them because your getting back together with an ex.

    You honestly at this point need to stop this thing with this new chick, cuz until you address this issue with the ex, you need to A:Get back with the ex B:just be single or C:Settle for hookups. Cuz at this point, your wasting this new girls time & playing with her feelings (which she might of developed)

  16. If she didn’t respect you enough not to cheat 8 months ago, why would she respect you enough not to cheat on you now?
    You were the back-up then, and you will be the back-up now.
    Your happiness means nothing to her. Otherwise, she would respect the relationship you have with this new girl.

  17. Well one person has cheated on you and broken your heart. One person hasn’t. Seems like an easy choice to me.

  18. Stay single for a while, the new girl doesn’t deserve to be strung along if you love someone else.

  19. The fact that you even have to ask this question tells me you don’t deserve that new person. If you’re conflicted, get back together with the ex-cheater and maybe you’ll learn the hard way, so next time you won’t even think about giving someone like that a second chance and wasting your time. That’s if you were single but you already have someone? If I were the new gf, I’d want to know my man is even considering to leave me and get back with his ex cause wtf even is this?

  20. I actually feel worse for your new girlfriend, you say she’s lovely…. she doesn’t deserve to be with a guy who’s considering the idea of getting back with his cheating ex girlfriend. Frankly I think you should break up with your current girlfriend and be single until you reach the point where you can be in a relationship where you won’t be considering getting back with an ex… because thats not fair to the person you’re with, its unfaithful.

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