Do you have any wisdom you could bestow upon this 33-year old?

Anything you would like to have done differently? Or knowledge you have gathered that would have gone a long way then?

  1. not buying a house before the pandemic. breaking up with the woman I should have married.

  2. Honestly, I don’t have any major regrets. Things that I am super happy I did do was:

    * Legit start working out/exercising
    * Move to a place I always dreamed of living vs. wherever life just took me
    * Havings kids (tbh: I hate babies, but I love who my kids are now)

  3. * Relocating out of my home town earlier in life

    * Putting more effort into exercise

    * Getting my sleep pattern/schedule sorted out sooner

  4. 2 things I would redo if I could go back to my 30’s:

    1. Not waste anytime on porn
    2. Spend more time loving on my wife & kids
    3. And lastly, buy an investment property

  5. Get serious about saving money if you haven’t. Start learning how to do shit yourself like projects around the house and you’ll save a fortune

  6. Getting in better physical shape and wished I would have focused more on moving up the ladder than finding where I was happy.

  7. I wish I had changed my diet/fitness approach when I was just starting to put on weight instead of trying to reverse a much bigger problem now in my 40s.

    Being single and childless now saddens me more now than it did in my 30s – I guess a sense that the clock is ticking ever louder and time seems to go in faster the old you get.

    I wish I had spent less time on trivial or unhelpful things and focused on those things that really matter and improve one’s life/situation.

  8. Hard drugs, but also not. It took breaking that addiction (and therapy) to get me to really look at myself objectively and realize how much of a turd I had been throughout my life up until that point.

    I’ve turned around quite a bit, and I’m still a work in progress, but I might still be a huge turd if I hadn’t gone down that specific road.

  9. I’m finding myself wishing I had invested more heavily, and started my Roth IRA earlier.

    It also didn’t work out due to the relationship I was in, but hindsight has me wishing I had had more purpose in selecting romantic partners. I would have loved to have been a father, but finances and incompatible relationships prevented it from being an option.

  10. – Taken more chances on love
    – Been strong enough to risk rejection and judgment from others without fear

  11. No regrets worth mentioning. However, I would like to say that no matter how amazing I think I’m doing, there is still so much to learn and/or get better at.

    On paper, I was on top of the world in my late 30s – enough that I wondered if I had plateaued. The things I had accomplished would take a few lifetimes to achieve again… Fast forward a decade and none of that matters, aside from it all being learning experiences of course. Now I’m focusing on a whole new set of goals that would have meant nothing to me in my 30s.

    So my TL;DR advice is never stop looking for the next opportunity to grow.

  12. Things I regret:

    Dating crazy

    Not buying that bmw 2002 (the model not the year) for 2 grand

    Starting a heavy drinking habit

    Dating crazy twice

    Not taking a chance and moving somewhere I always wanted (but I love it here now)

  13. Invest more in your retirement and in things like college savings for kids. You can’t count on career advancement or scholarships to fix everything even if you and your kids are amazing.

    I’m glad that I married and started having kids relatively young (mid 20’s).

    Wish that I had invested more in time management as a skill. It’s a learnable skill, no different from a tool, craft, or musical instrument, but it is really hard to learn better when you don’t have the time / skills to manage in the time to learn.

  14. Saved money in my 20s and 30s so I could travel the world and work while doing it.

    Biggest regret.

    At 34 I lost 6 figures being greedy, 36 now, and I can not travel (no money) and in poor health because of the huge loss of money.

    Be the turtle, not the hare, I saved a bunch being smart, lost a lot being stupid.

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