Basically, should you pretend to not know shit when someone thinks that they tell you new information? If not, what should you say?

  1. If it’s something short then I’ll say like an “Ok” or “Thank you” but if they take long time or ask me if I know I will tell them.

  2. I tell them I already know after the statement is made. I don’t want them to go into full detail about something I already know. It’s a waste of his/her and my time.

  3. If it is a child, I will entertain it; perhaps, even guide the conversation to an aspect they haven’t mentioned or appear to have considered.

    If it is another adult, I have less patience for such things and usually state something to let them know I’ve got ‘it’; it being whatever topic they’re trying to explain. If they continue I sometimes get a little bit more abrupt and directly tell them. If they hammer away after I have directly stated that I already know or understand, unfortunately, I tend to get short and forcefully direct. Typically, this is not a shining moment and people will realize I’m an a****** and not want to talk to me. To be fair, I do tend to give “leave me alone” vibes naturally and am okay with that when it works.

    Another approach that is less off-putting to others is to attempt a redirect or change the subject. Or tell them you have something to do and exit the conversation.

    With all of this said, it does depend on the topic. If someone is telling me how they are struggling due to a life event for example, I will try to employ much more patience. I’m not a total jerk, but if they are telling me for the 100th time how something at work is supposed to be done and I have successfully done it at least 101 times correctly, then yeah, stop already – you’re breathing the same air I breathe and sucking up too much of it with your words. Let’s move on.

  4. I think it’s context dependent. Sometimes it’s something small that doesn’t matter so I’ll just nod.

    Sometimes I want the other person to know I’m aware but don’t want to be rude so I’ll offer more info on the subject but won’t outright say “I already know this”

    Sometimes someone is talking down to me on purpose and then you’re free to be as rude as you want imo.

  5. I love this. I just listen very deeply (correcting them where necessary ofcourse) and return to the original topic like nothing happened. They stop explaining things very quickly.

  6. It depends on whether they’re assuming I’m stupid or genuinely think it’s new information. I try to assume the best of people.

    If it’s the latter, gently try to tell them you already know. This is also situation dependent but especially in workplace interactions, knowing things is a good thing generally.

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