How would you feel if your date brought you to a thrift store or estate sale for a date?

  1. A thrift store is always fun but for a first date I woudnt like it. I rather sit down and get to know the person. In a thrift store I will be looking at what they are selling.

    An estate sale is a terrible date, what would you even be doing there?

  2. I don’t think keeping someone company while they’re running errands is a date, so that’s a no for me. I’d definitely be down for browsing stores while casually hanging out with a partner or friend, though, but again, not a date in my world.

  3. Yeah there probably wouldn’t be a second date, I like thrift stores but they definitely aren’t places to go on dates

  4. I LOVE thrift shopping and any types of estate sales, yard sales, flea markets, etc.

    I would be very pleased with a date like that. Especially if my date pays my bill at the end lol

  5. I do not consider shopping fun, so no, this is not a good date for me.

  6. Is this the first date? Cause no. If it’s after a few dates and they’ve established that I like thrifting, I could see that being a fun date.

  7. Propose to him with a ring pop right then and there. That ones mine I’m taking him home.

  8. I would love it. It’s nice to have something to do and there are so many things you can laugh about together.

  9. I’ve been there actually! I’m not into thrifting so it was not enjoyable for me.

  10. Thrift store doesn’t seem fun as an initial date. Definitely would love to do with friends or even after I’ve gone on multiple dates with the person, but I don’t think it’s a good idea when you’re trying to get to know the person

  11. I think it would be fun and not as much pressure for serious conversation. Would give me insight into the other person based on comments/interesting finds and how they react to old things I’d find funny.

  12. I’d feel a little weird if it was our first date, but my partner and I do go on dates together to the thrift store often!

  13. I would love it!!! But I’d like to get something to eat first and if we have a successful shopping trip then ice cream afterwards to celebrate:)

  14. DEPENDS! I live goodwill and I’m always down for a thrifting adventure. But a date is where I wanna get to know you more, when I’m thrifting I can do that a little but the vibes won’t be the same.

    SO. If it’s a fourth date onward, I could get down with that because we’ve gotten the awkward 2 dates out of the way and likely have learned enough about each other to feel comfortable shopping with each other.

    If it’s a first date I’d be open to it but only as an added activity to something we already did or are doing, like if we go have lunch and as we are walking we pass an antique shop, I’d be happy to peruse.

    so yeah, depends.

  15. If I’d mentioned how much I like thrifting (which is a lot), I’d be thrilled. If not, I’d be a little confused. But still happy and on the prowl for deals

  16. Probably not as a first date but after a few, I could see that as being a fun activity to do together

  17. Throw in a couple of Starbucks drinks before with dinner at Red Robin later on, and it’s a deal! Let’s go!

    Bonus: we find two light sabers in the toy section, and we re-enact that iconic scene from *Star Wars.* He’s Darth Vader, I’m Luke Skywalker

  18. So many fun things to peruse and discover and laugh about together! Not a great first date for everyone, but I’d be down, and in general I think it’s a fun date idea.

  19. I wouldn’t be into that as an early date. I’m a fan of the old standards like coffee or dinner because they’re good for chatting and getting to know someone. Those would both be fun dates later on, though, once you and the other person know each other pretty well (and you know them well enough to know that they’re into shopping).

  20. It’s an interest-specific idea which I like conceptually, but not an interest I personally have, so it would probably have the effect of demonstrating ways we are incompatible.

    Other examples of potentially great first dates that wouldn’t work for me because I’m not interested in the activity: beer festival, art museum, baseball game

    Examples of potentially great first dates that would work even though they are not things I do on my own, but I’m interested in the activity: horseback riding, an improv class, cocktail mixing class

  21. Sounds fun to me! But my husband and I have always loved thrift stores, estate sales, dirt malls, and weird little antiques shops tucked into otherwise-dead shopping districts…that’s like my favorite thing.

  22. Three years ago, we went to a flea market as our first date. It was a mutual decision. We are still happily together.

  23. Thrift store – no. A nice estate sale – hell yeah that sounds fun

  24. I have been brought to a thrift store for a date. It wasn’t the whole date though. We picked out silly outfits for the other person to wear during the date at the thrift store. We left the thrift store and did a scavenger hunt wearing silly outfits. It was fun.

  25. I gotta agree with some other Redditors. I think depending on the thrift store or type of estate sale it could be a ton of fun. I collect military surplus rifles and I’ve been to two estate sales for that exact purpose. Thrift shops sometimes have cool vintage fishing gear which I also like to use.

    Like others have said, it would be cool!

  26. I love doing any date idea that is out in public and different from the norm

    In My Science Project (1985) the main character takes a girl on a date to an abandoned airstrip and idk that always seemed kinda cool but irl I would be scared shirtless thinking he was gonna bury me there

  27. Way too many straight women in this thread 😂 /s

    This is my ideal date! My GF and I went to a flea market on our first date and have been happily together for 2 years. I personally hate the usual coffee date/bar meetup or anything really about food/drinking so prefer fun things like this.

  28. Me and my boyfriend went to a thrift store on one of our first dates, but we both love thrift stores and it was fun for us. If the person likes it, it can be a fun date, and it’s cheap!

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