How did your partners prove you they were worthy of trust? What were the signs that made you feel secure with them?

  1. Through consistent actions and open communication. He listened to my concerns, supported me, and followed through on his promises. Little gestures like being transparent, being there when I needed him, and respecting my boundaries made me feel secure.

  2. When they didn’t lie once when faced with the things they didn’t know I knew. The fact that they simply don’t say things they don’t mean, even if they know what I would prefer to hear.
    I’ll just put this out there – a truly trusting relationship requires a profound understanding of each other’s personas. Familiarity of the souls.

  3. I look for emotional intelligence. It’s very telling of their character.

  4. Even when we were friends she always kept her word, communicated well, and was consistent.

  5. Honestly? He gave me all of his passwords. I didn’t ask for them, but we had been friends for a long time and he knew my ex had cheated on me. I don’t know if I ever used them.. the action itself was enough. He ultimately proved himself through open and honestly communication.

  6. That they don’t bring up “trust” as a topic during our conversations.

  7. We knew each other from work prior to dating when we both had other partners…

    On a night out dancing with our other coworkers (all male and married/in long term relationships) all the other males would hold my arm/hand so I assumed it was acceptable. We were all pretty tipsy as it was a farewell party for another colleague. And when I went to hold his arm during a dance, he kinda smacked it away with an annoyed face lol…

    Seeing him have this boundary in his tipsy state towards *me* made me know he was a good guy. So it carried over to when we started dating.. Just this action alone (that I know he doesn’t remember) earned pretty much 80-90% of my trust in him already. The rest of it was just by his consistency and further evidence of his good character.

  8. Almost all of the men I dated before him unfortunately weren’t trustworthy, and I came into this relationship very untrusting and jaded. I was very jealous and insecure for longer than he deserved. Always searching for some kind of “proof” that didn’t exist.

    One day, he sat me down and had a serious discussion with me…he told me that he couldn’t continue the relationship if something didn’t change. I decided to start hiding my jealousy/trust issues, and surprisingly, the less I gave into my urges, the less intense they got.

    He is not a big social media guy, has a very small tight circle of friends of all men (the women in the group are married to the men) and he works in a male dominated profession so these things helped. He was never secretive or weird about his phone, has never been the sweet talking, “tell you what you want to hear” smooth player type in conversation, and his stories/timelines always added up.

    The more and more I got to know him over the years, the more I came to realize he’s really a one woman kind of man. He has a lot of integrity. We’ve been together for 11 years now, and I have never trusted a man more.

  9. It’s difficult, and depends on what you consider “trustworthy.”


    I’m not one who is jealous, so if he’s talking/meeting with other women, it has never been an issue for me. TRUST is, for me, if he treats me with respect and listens to me.


    I may be the odd one out, but for me, trust comes from honesty. It shows.

  10. Well, from my most recent lessons, being able to communicate openly even when things are difficult and being truthful with who they are even their flaws. If they don’t lie to themselves chances are they don’t lie.

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