For example, do you ask your partner to get test for STIs and submit proof? Do you get to know your hookup first and meet them out in public before doing anything?

  1. We had the “when were you last tested” talk before we had sex. But it was the 90s and that was SOP then; almost everyone I knew got tested regularly.

  2. It varies by hookup. I think I got to know them first 20% of the time, met up w them in a public place 50% of the time, asked about STIs 20% of the time. I would highly recommend bringing all of those up to 100%. 🙂

  3. I’d go out to a bar or a club, have fun, and might come back home with someone. Always used protection.

    Last time I did this was 6 years ago, he never left.

  4. I want to see test results. There are apps or sites you can log in to get results. We can screenshot, exchange, and then have fun. Make sure you ask if they know their HSV status, they most likely won’t because it’s not on standard tests.

  5. I have always expected him to chat with me in depth before even talking about meeting. If ANYTHING he said sounded even remotely creepy, it was an immediate no go. Never had a bad experience, and I credit my creep-motive sensitivity for that.

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