I used to work in a call centre years ago. The turnover of staff was quite high so there were new people in and out all the time. Usually people in their early to mid 20s starting work for the first time after university.

I remember his one girl starting and after few days she sat next to me. We had a laugh the whole day but I didn’t think anything of it.

A few days later she asked me to go for a drink but I stupidly thought she was asking the whole group (as we all used to get tanked on Fridays). So my stupid ass goes ahead and invites everyone out for what I think is Friday night drinks.

She doesn’t attend and I found it weird that she said she wanted to go for a drink but then didn’t show up. She found a new job a few days later and left for good.

Fast forward a couple of years and I bump into another co worker and we catch up and she asks me if anything ever happened with this girl. I said ‘why do you ask that?’ She said because original girl told her that she was into me. My jaw dropped as it all clicked into place. She was attractive and awesome and I was completely oblivious.

I tried finding her on socials and I did but she was in a relationship. It’s been a decade and to this day I wanna punch myself in the face for not reading the situation. Anyone else have similar experience? Lol

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